
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hateful hovering pop-ups.

A privilege of authoring a site is having an opportunity time and again to criticize nuisances.

Am I the only one that hates how some web sites, you read and move the mouse as you are scrolling and some spot on a site causes a mouse pass-over to pop up some trash (usually in a wordy and gaudily colored ugly balloon format with a hanging pointer to the word or phrase that spawned the balloon), and it is nothing but a distraction you never wanted to have interrupt your reading? Some pages are so bad I simply leave them whether or not there is useful content. Do others also react that way? Or is it only me, being an inflexible old man?

I may do a sidebar poll on that - two options, They are okay; or I hate them too.

That's a future project, but if there is any reader who likes them and believes them helpful, please leave a comment saying so. If any reader is so honked off that she wants to add a supporting voice to my kvetching, go for it too.

I prefer the Firefox borwser because of the addon capability to block advertisements and scripts.

What kind of idiot would feel we would want such stuff in the way of pursuing information? My guess is the perps know we hate it, but don't care.