
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A secular Ayn Rand acolyte writes of Tea Party hijacking worries by the end-time theocrats aka true believers. Why Tea Party Express astroturf with Jesus jockeys Bachmann and Palin are unpalatable to other conservatives.

The outlet is online, I do not know if it is a paper subscription outlet at all, but the link is here, source of the opening screenshot:

Link over to the item, again here, and read the entire editorial-report.

And to further confront the new-wing GOP theocrat majority, there is another sensible sentiment from the true Tea Party voices, against the false -- here, and for an index, here.

These people are extreme, but they are not as offensive as the theocrats; or the worse of the bunch represented by Palin and Bachmann, those who think they can put a foot in each camp and get away with the straddle.

Ron Paul needs to clearly define himself, true libertarian, or fudging toward theocracy too.

He's so far been very cute, agreeing with his friends.