
Thursday, April 15, 2010

MICHELE BACHMANN - Stinging hard pressed taxpayers fourteen grand, for a bullhorn and a crowd, so she could feel validation and exhilaration fomenting discord loudly by vulgar over-posturing and rabble-rousing barking

So what's new, right?

Strib online, the day before another crass salvo, April 14, reported:

WASHINGTON - Rep. Michele Bachmann solidified her place in the national spotlight in November when she gathered thousands of Tea Party activists in front of the U.S. Capitol for a "House Call on Washington," to stop the Democrats' health care bill.

Months later, official expense reports show that the boisterous, 10,000-person rally to rein in big government and stop runaway spending cost U.S. taxpayers nearly $14,000.

Bachmann and three other lawmakers split the cost for a private company to arrange staging and a sound system, using their official congressional member allowances. Joining her were Reps. Tom Price of Georgia, Todd Akin of Missouri and Steve King of Iowa.

It's your money. Was it worthwhile bang for the buck, for you?

Did it get the potholes fixed in the district, a Stillwater bridge, or another stop and an extension of Northstar?

Did it get Michele Bachmann press attention?

What exactly are priorities in "representing" the Sixth District? Don't ask me, ask Rep. Bachmann.

Ask her simply, "WHY?"

Also, ask her if it really was 10.000 at the show. The reliable estimates I have seen say three to four thousand, at most.

And good luck on getting a cogent and coherent answer. Find out if it's worth taking the time seeking one.

NOTE: Further parallel coverage, here, here, here, here, here and here.

Even the Mad Hatter and March Hare footed their own bill for their wonked out Tea Party event.