
Friday, January 29, 2010

It is so easy to disagree with and mock Michele Bachmann, but this time I agree. I think she is making a correct choice.

Judson Phillips is a Tennessee lawyer specializing in DUI and other areas, with the picture to the left appearing on his law offices home page, where it asks, "Up the creek?" He sponsors the upcoming Opryland "Tea Party Patriots" extravaganza, featuring speechifying by Sarah Palin. Bachmann, listed as a speaker, has dissociated herself from the effort and will not be there to speak.

I remain fearful she and other GOP politicians ultimately intend to hijack Tea Party unrest to their personal political ambitions and benefit. Having said that, and starting with the first report I saw, HufPo, here, she is doing the right thing.

I believe her questioning the bona fides of the operation at Opryland is wise, and timely; so far as her stated position is genuine, and I have no proof it is not.

Other links to similar news; here. TPM, here.

Does anyone willing to post an informative answering comment know, is this Judson Phillips individual behind the hundred grand to Palin Opryland circus stint any relation to Howard Phillips, right wing pundit and author of several books? On that Wikipedia page children of Howard Phillips are listed, with no Judson in the list.

(opening image from TPM link).