
Friday, January 29, 2010

Leahy blasts Alito. Under oath Alito testified on judicial restraint. On the bench a slash-and-burn right-wing activist? Disingenuity in a black robe?

There is yet another voice raised in a way suggesting that the Supreme Court's recent "give the corporations power to write a blank check" decision needs to be fixed by the simple Constitutional amendment:

Money is not speech, and human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.

Argument against the decision and favoring effort toward a Constitutional reform was earlier posted on Crabgrass, here and here.

HufPo, (posting a video along with text), reports Vermont Dem Sen. Leahy's floor statement on whether "Alito" is another word for mendacity. For the video, follow the link. To read the report text, this screenshot: