
Saturday, January 30, 2010

I had a dream last night that Sarah Palin left Todd, for a liaison with Judson Phillips.

John Edwards turned the script down, so it was Judson Phillips.

Todd, in the dream, was not rouge enough. Driving snowmobiles at high speed and killing arctic wolves with his teeth got, well, very regular and somehow unromantic.

Then Judson Phillips, a southern gentleman of the old kind appeared in her life, her political life and her actual life, there being little difference.

She and Judson each had a paddle, in the dream.

Then it got bizarre. Happily making money but still having the political pit bull will, she and Judson hit upon the idea - Sarah Palin, Inc., as the candidate so that Sarah Palin the person could sleep in late wrapped up in Judson. It was genius at play.

The corporation could raise campaign money, get the actual Palin person up and about and spiffed up on somebody's credit card for filming the half minute and full minute TV spot commercials, but then be the candidate incorporated, vs the flesh and blood embryo loving individual we know and love. The dream diverted, only briefly, with a vision of Judson incorporating potential embryos and then there was dynamite, and Planned Parenthood offices, and a quick drift back to the main thread.

Sarah's corporation was challenged, in court. Who else, but liberals, indeed tax and spend liberals like silent film villains at the door demanding the rent in cash or favors, with a multitude of singing lawyers - I cannot remember a single tune, dream memory often fades quickly - but there was a Supreme Court hearing in front of nine corporations ruling on whether humans could, via personal corporations, run for office or only true corporations with a larger base of shareholders, listed on exchanges, and doing international trade.

At that point I awoke in a sweat and I have no idea whatsoever where the dream might have finished. I believe there was one side digression where a corporation was getting keelhauled by Capt. Ahab for letting lines get tangled and the Whale escaped, but I cannot even remember any of the ship's crew songs, or if they were singing.

Thomas Pynchon drifted into the dream at one point, talking Tea Party and Wall Street in very well turned wording but where I searched for the sense of his drift, but I think it was all related to an effort of Sarah Palin to add diversity beyond Judson, for Thomas as both educator and paramour. I was gladdened by being able to see what Pynchon looked like and how his voice sounded, but as with other fading dream memory - I forget exact details there.

I will not get into any of the lurid parts of the dream, Palin and Bachmann and more diversity for each, but it was probably the pizza before going to bed that triggered the interesting dream state.

I had a dream briefly, months ago about Barrack Obama, being a socialist, but the thread evaporated almost as quickly as it formed, since it takes a very, very, very special and specially disciplined mind to ever consider that individual a socialist.

I look forward to the Caucus doings next week as food for future bizarre dreaming. Indeed, look at all the dreamers already, both parties -

I anticipate a dream, soon after caucus, a fanciful thing where there is a first ballot selection of a DFL candidate for governor, and hoping for that I am eager in anticipation to find out who it is who will win.

And sorry people, I cannot dream the way Martin Luther King did, nor articulate any such dream as Dr. King did in lofty and inspiring ways.

However, I've not been shot so even with the limitations I suffer there's a personal bright side. And someone, some fool, may have read this far so that my sense of the absurd is satisfied entirely. Look on the Bright Side, as the song says. Yes, that's it. That's what the whalers were singing, Ahab tapping rhythm with the wood leg, and the singing reached a third verse just as the boat was rammed by a Greenpeace speedboat, gunfire breaking out, as the whalers thought it was Somali pirates.

Let's all work at dreaming. It is the stuff from which the future is built. Dream the location of bin Laden, collect the reward and become a Republican with more than two quarters to rub together. It would be the functional equivalent of winning the lottery, but with a scalp on the tent pole.

Isn't it amazing how reading web news can sharpen memory? I had one of those moments, triggered by reporting, here, click to enlarge the screenshot and read:

Well, Ariana's high class only-for-intelligentsia site triggered dream memory into better focus. It was not as if Palin and Judson Phillips were ever, say intimately embraced, in the dream. It was the two personal corporations, Sarah Palin, Inc., and Judson Wheeler Phillips, Inc., that were in merger; just as the screenshot has Palin suggesting for Tea Party and the GOP.

"I'm going to speak there because there are people traveling from many miles away to hear what that tea party movement is all about and what that message is that should be received by our politicians in Washington. I'm honored to get to be there."

Palin is getting $100,000 to deliver the keynote address at the conference. The 2008 vice presidential candidate insisted that her fee will "go right back into the cause" in the form of donations "to people and to events, those things that I believe in that will help perpetuate the message, the message being, Government, you have constitutional limits. You better start abiding by them."

Asked by Van Susteren whether she thinks the Republican Party would be best served by merging with the tea party movement, Palin replied with an enthusiastic endorsement of the idea.

"They need to merge," she said. "Definitely, they need to merge. I think those who are wanting the divisions and the divisiveness and the controversy -- those are the ones who don't believe in the message. And they're the ones, I think, stirring it up. We need to ignore that and we need to forge ahead with a cohesive message. It's a common sense message. It, again, is, Government, limit yourself so that the private sector, our families, free individuals can grow and thrive and prosper and enjoy America's freedom!"

Yes a merger, the Sarah and Judson personal closely held corporations, merging each other just as Palin would have the GOP and tea baggers merge to merger over the entire nation. And that sidebar about tattoo misspellings, that also reminded me (even without having to click over), about some detail of the part of the dream with Bachmann and Palin in the tattoo parlor, Palin getting the intimate tattoo that mispelled Michele, with two "l's".

Now it is all more vivid.

My earlier dream recollection, in some details, I misspoke.

Surely, reading stuff on the web can put strange notions into your mind, even about single payer and such as if it is just, fair, and humane. However, aside from such risk, I believe I have found a partial cure for Alzheimer disease. Surfing the web.

Keeping the mind supple that way, by reading GOP and Tea Party sites, solid and substantial stuff like that. A sharp mind at the razor's edge.