To the extent Reed supporters argue the DFL Sixth District leadership is a closed, clubbish, tight band of insider-bosses, I cannot dispute that.
I agree.
It is unfortunate.
Also the election law allows primary contests as long as minimal requirements are met to get a name on the ballot - it's Reed's right to fight a primary as much as it union leadership's right to channel endorsements as they believe best serves rank-and-file interests. The wisdom of causing a primary after the endorsement caucus showings are in is a different question from Reed's right to cause one; and presumably the caucus showing - the numbers - will matter in what Reed decides to do.
My guess is caucus coalition formation will be with people holding up signs for the different Governor candidates, as a focus, and Clark; with few pushing a Reed thought.
With redistricting on the near horizon the Guv race and state seats are crucial, the Sixth District is less so, and should Bachmann win again she simply would continue to be a GOP laughingstock and embarassment in the minority until she's redistricted out of a seat [unless the GOP gets the Guv win to complicate the legislative redistricting imperative, or fields a very major surprise in the state house and senate races - one reason Dem ineffectiveness and disunity at the national level over healthcare is distressing].
Reed people are correct -- The DFL-union-leadership closed shop has not been a helpful thing in the Sixth District in the past - with Mark Kennedy first and Michele Bachmann second as poster children for the notion that the insider decision making has been less than best. Patty Wetterling's second opportunity only came about despite and not because of the insider-bias and early committment. After that, they held full sway in setting the 2008 Sixth District candidacy as they would have in 2006.
I feel there are far, far, far too few Keith Ellison's in the DFL, and the more, the better. Blue Dogs we do not need more of. There are enough already. We have Republicans to be Republicans, so in the DFL that stuff is merely redundant and leaves us without any real choice - or with no "option," as is the presently more favored word for having something to keep the system honest.
Noting all that - how more Ellisons in the DFL would be most agreeable - but moving on, the 4Crabgrass email account has two relevant items [actually three, saving the worse for last]:
First, and from a group that either has consulted with Reed prior to deciding, or because like her they are in healthcare they may already know her so that it's unlikely she'd be as hot under the collar over this one as earlier others:
[press release] Minnesota Nurses Association Endorses Clark for CongressJan Rabbers
Media and Communications
Minnesota Nurses Association
Direct Dial: 651-414-2861 / Cell: 612-860-6658
Toll Free: 800-536-4662, ext. 161
Cite Clark's leadership on quality, affordable health care in making key endorsement
The Minnesota Nurses Association announced today that is has endorsed Tarryl Clark in her bid for Minnesota's 6th District Congressional seat.
“Tarryl has been a long time champion of nursing and working families,” said MNA President Linda Slattengren, RN. “She has been an advocate for universal health care both in the legislature and in the community. We look forward to working with her in Congress.”
"I am honored to receive the support of nurses - the people Minnesotans trust to provide for their health and well-being," said Tarryl Clark. "As the people on the front-lines of health care, I've been proud to partner with the Nurses as both a community leader and as a legislator. I couldn't be more proud to continue our work together as their endorsed candidate."
The Minnesota Nurses Association represents more than 19,000 nurses across the state. MNA is the leading organization for registered nurses in the Midwest and is among the oldest and largest representatives of RNs in the nation. MN is a multi-purpose organization that fosters high standards for nursing education and practice, and works to advance the profession through legislative activity.
[emphasis in original] Second item, this one from the Clark campaign:
Monday, October 12, 2009
More than 2,400 donors help Clark set pace as one of the top challengers in nation
SAINT CLOUD, MN – State Senator Tarryl Clark set a break-neck pace in the race for Minnesota’s Sixth Congressional District, raising $308,015 in just nine weeks. Clark, who entered the race mid-quarter on July 28th, becomes one of only a few challengers nationwide to raise more than $300,000 in a single quarter.
Clark’s 2,412 donors contributed an average of $107. The campaign finished the quarter with just under $270,000 in the bank.
“I think our strong start is a testament to the desire for change across the district,” said Senator Clark. “Minnesota’s families want a representative who is more interested in getting things done than in generating national headlines. They’re working hard every day, and I’m going to work every day for them.”
Clark has already earned more than a dozen endorsements in her campaign for Congress, including the Minnesota AFL-CIO, Minnesota Nurses Association, SEIU, AFSCME, and the Saint Cloud State College Democrats; as well as the support of elected officials and thousands of Minnesotans from across the district.
To learn more about Tarryl Clark and her campaign for Congress, visit her newly launched website at
[emphasis, link, as in original]
Finally - What is the third item? What else, there is this:
Join me at
This Wednesday, October 14
For a special one-day-only event to send the Left a message they're sure to hear!
October 12, 2009
Dear Friends:
In case you missed it, I wanted to share with you the clip of my appearance last week on Bill O'Reilly's show.
We were talking about ACORN and my latest call for a full audit of tax dollars (state and federal) spent on ACORN activities in my home state of Minnesota. They were active in Minnesota in 2006 and even more active in 2008, when they claim to have registered 43,000 voters. Given that they have no firewalls between their tax-exempt and political operations, we need a full and independent accounting right away!
But during the course of our conversation, Bill O'Reilly brought up the question of why I am "second to Sarah Palin in far left angst." He shared his theory for why I get "under their skin" and why "they're coming after" me. He said:
"The success of Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann drives the far left crazy because... you can attract others to listen to you."
Here's the clip. [link not enabled, I refuse to link to that cesspool]
Sean Hannity had similar things to say recently about how the left is driven into a frenzy of hate whenever I open my mouth. But, as I've said over and over again: Their repeated lies and their obsessive hate won't stop me from speaking the truth. I do this job for you, for your children, and for America's future -- not for the acceptance of cable news talking heads.
Not talking heads, not at Fox, not O'Reilly, not Hannity? Perhaps she means they represent the opposite end of the alimentary canal? I would not argue against that. The noise there is limited in range, repeated somewhat regularly, and largely invariant over the years. Again, Michele Bachmann's email starts with her saying she wants to send a message we're sure to hear ...
note: I believe I earlier entered to subscribe to the Reed campaign site's emailings; and to be sure I re-entered my contact info this morning so as not to miss any voter-directed emailing [and I got a courtesy confirmation email that I am enrolled]. Also, I emailed Jason Issacson to receive press releases, and I publicly here and now request that the Reed campaign send any and all future press releases to the email address on the sidebar. If they do, I shall report Reed materials also, as with Clark.
If I neglected to get onto Reed voter-directed emailings rolls earlier, it was a mistake. I have my personal preferences, admittedly - as an editorial matter, but I will try to be objective in reporting.
I think readers can sort out opinion from reporting. After all, they're educated and intelligent or they'd be Republicans.
The MNA, from its website post here, indicates in endorsing Paul Thissen for Governor:
Thissen was named MNA’s Legislator of the Year in 2009 and an MNA All-Star in the organization’s Legislative Scorecard for his authorship of the MNA-backed Health Security Act and his work on legislation to set staffing standards in acute care facilities.
The MNA-PC’s mission is to promote public health, the advancement of the practice of nursing and the empowerment of registered nurses.
The Minnesota Nurses Association Political Committee conducts a rigorous screening process which includes reading candidate questionnaires, interviewing candidates, and studying the positions of candidates in the 2010 gubernatorial race to assess their support for MNA policy priorities.
[italics added]. This suggests that the Reed camp's complaint against other unions would not reach to the nurses, since they indicate screening, or at least the opportunity for screening at a candidate's election, before making an endorsement. This is the opposite of what Reed and her supporters are criticizing on the part of other unions.