
Friday, October 23, 2009

The list of congressional recipients of Medicare who also oppose the public option in enacting health care reform is:

Rep. Ralph M. Hall
Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett
Rep. Sam Johnson
Rep. C.W. Bill Young
Rep. Howard Coble
Sen. Jim Bunning
Sen. Richard G. Lugar
Rep. Don Young
Sen. Charles E. Grassley
Sen. Robert F. Bennett
Rep. Vernon J. Ehlers
Sen. Orrin G. Hatch
Sen. Richard C. Shelby
Rep. Jerry Lewis
Sen. James M. Inhofe
Rep. Ron Paul
Rep. Henry E. Brown
Sen. Pat Roberts
Sen. George V. Voinovich
Sen. John McCain
Rep. Judy Biggert
Sen. Thad Cochran
Rep. Harold Rogers
Rep. Dan Burton
Rep. Howard P. "Buck" McKeon
Rep. Frank R. Wolf
Sen. Christopher S. Bond
Rep. Michael N. Castle
Rep. Joe Pitts
Rep. Tom Petri
Sen. Lamar Alexander
Rep. Doc Hastings
Rep. Cliff Stearns
Rep. Sue Myrick
Rep. John Carter
Sen. Mitch McConnell
Sen. Jon Kyl
Rep. Phil Gingrey
Rep. Nathan Deal
Rep. John Linder
Rep. Kay Granger
Rep. John L. Mica
Rep. Walter B. Jones
Sen. Jim Risch
Rep. Ed Whitfield
Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner
Rep. Virginia Foxx
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison
Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite
Sen. Saxby Chambliss
Sen. Michael B. Enzi
Rep. Elton Gallegly
Rep. Donald Manzullo
Rep. Peter T. King
Rep. Ander Crenshaw


The list, to my knowledge, was first posted at this link.

Some in this nation where all are told they are equal turn out to be more equal than others. Those saying socialism is nothing but a nation sanely assuring all have health care must have a different name for when they are benefit recipients.

"Entitlement" perhaps is their word for their cash flows and their benefit flows.

Those on that list are just more entitled than others.

Think Progress has more of the detail of the irony. This link.

Have a look at some of the comments. Weiner and Grayson are calling out the hypocrites and nobody can call them hypocrites for doing so. The mark of the beast is carrying the Medicare coverage, being sure to be enrolled, while railing against "socialism."

It's like having been born and railing against motherhood.

Feathering their own nests and then decrying the amount of feathers it would take if everyone had feathered nests. We face a feather shortage, where we cannot pluck the rich - the richly feathered. That is injustice. Unfairness.

The more feathers you have the greater need you have to keep and preen them, etc.

They will tell you feathers can trickle down, if managed right by the right managers.