
Saturday, October 24, 2009

The public option - the Daily has cogent analysis, plus undeniable proof it makes sense.

First, the Daily editorial presents a competition based argument. While single payer makes more sense and can be phased in to not be disruptive but phased in so that obscene insurance firm profiteering is curbed, the fall-back of competition inducing public option planning is clearly something an honest open market competition advocate would want - just as the insurance giants who presently are exempt from antitrust anti-collusion constraints so strongly oppose that which would favor the public at their expense. And were it to be imposing a burden rather than serving as a curb to greed, they might deserve some attention and belief. All they really want is a cozy status quo at everyone else's expense. They want their cornered market preserved, never mind what's best for the populace. If they cared what's best they'd not have to be forced off the dime in their obscene denial of coverage schemes. But the truth is clear so enough said.

Finally, we now know public option will be fine. Though less sound than single payer, with a Medicare extension to cover all citizens and where the parameters of Medicare funding and payments can then be adjusted and optimized and kept optimal as medical science evolves, creating for the present a public option is a step toward that ultimately proper direction, hence, for now it clearly makes sense. Moreover, the ultimate proof of the wisdom of at least public option reform is the the quality of its opponents and the quality of their opposition arguments, read about that here.

"If you don't like the price of toilet paper and toothpaste, are we going to have a government-run Target or Wal-Mart to keep the private sector honest?" Pawlenty said. "I mean, it's a ludicrous proposition that government's going to come in in this space and compete directly with the private sector."

Toilet paper and toothpaste must be big, big, big ticket items to the man - constituting dominant percentage items in the Pawlenty family budget - for him to make such an analogy.

Toilet paper must be a life and death concern facing him. If it is that compelling a thing in his mind to be comparable to healthcare, and forty seven million people because of pricing had to go without, it would be hard on tree leaves and worse in winter absent stockpiling.

What an incredibly shallow, stupid and deceitful man. And Hatch got fewer votes. It is astounding.

It really is a Grand Old Party. Get this - and they are serious and not intentionally mocking themselves - Tim Pawlenty as RINO. To demuring on drinking up on the stronger party factional Koolaid. Holding onto his PAC money for himself and his ambition (that part, I believe), and not butting into the NY-23 GOP internecine war. Not Palin enough is the implication.

Here (comments included), here, here, here, here, and here, for a sampling.

It is astounding. These people are exceptional. At least they, unlike Blue Dogs, have gravitated to the party they belong in. Bless them and their affection for Palin, her wisdom, and her cultured manners.