
Friday, October 23, 2009

Rep. Alan Grayson - casting a shadow of capability and decency that obscures the likes of Michele Bachmann.

This is the kind of quality individual people like me and my like-minded friends and family deserve; yet we get the one others deserve; we have the one named Michele Bachmann. And last cycle, we had a DFL offering that - said nicely, failed to inspire.

Read the screenshot to get a grasp of the gulf between Bachmann's degree from Oral Roberts and working a bit as a tax collection lawyer for the IRS, vs. Alan Grayson and what he has accomplished -- Alan Grayson, who unlike Bachmann, is a smart person.

Both DFL Sixth District challengers, Tarryl Clark and Maureen Reed are smart. Clark seems philosophically and politically closer but not nearly close enough to Grayson.

Keep the man's name in mind. He will gain more recognition as time passes. The screenshot is the bio from his congressional website; homepage, here.

Bachmann lovers, this upcoming election cycle do the world a favor, stay home on election day.

And folks, that link the Grayson home page gives as its lead item, it is a short seven pages so read it, here.