
Monday, January 05, 2009

Opinions differ, I think Amy is correct, and that only sore heads filibuster.

Click the screenshot from Politico, to enlarge and read it, or link to the original and read the entire item.

A filibuster. What kind of low life would do that?

As to kinds of low life, Texas low life in particular, see earlier Crabgrass posts, here and here.

Is this current threat quid pro quo playing out? Is it knee jerk partisanship? Is it both?

WaPo reports four Senate seats involve uncertainties. Also, Politico's vote count is short of current, Strib most recently reporting, "Senate race certification set for Monday with Franken up 225 votes."

Here is what I see as important, if the GOP and Coleman people are adamant, and there is not a filibuster proof Senate majority, what happens, irrespective of any current canvassing board and Minnesota Court activity and decisions? Isn't all that irrelevant? So, what happens if the GOP digs in its heels? I say at least make them filibuster, make them make a public spectacle of themselves being small partisan obstructionists.

But all the rest is window dressing to what the Senate will do. It is their constitutional perogative and power. Nobody else holds the hammer.