
Monday, January 05, 2009

A screenshot rerun, that should be titled, "Not Exactly."

We have to think that neither Norm Coleman nor his campaign people thought, back on Nov. 5, 2008, when they ran the splash lead-in item set out above (from the Coleman campaign website the day after election day), that it might prove ironic.

Irony seems to be set, with Strib today reporting, "Minnesota canvassing board expected to say that Democrat Al Franken is winner in Senate race."

Crowing now may be premature, even ironic, but I have more faith in saying FRANKEN WON IT than the Coleman folks ought to have held in their then deciding to run that splash screen roostering.

I even think they may have been trying to tailor public opinion - that the Coleman folks actually would do that kind of crass and classless kind of thing.

Against Al.