
Saturday, August 16, 2008

FRANKEN - Planned Parenthood and its will to defeat Norman Coleman.

There was a July 2008 critical email to the press against Al Franken, but the Planned Parenthood position now is clearly favorable to the Franken candidacy.

Ms. Lord Faris and the primary situation aside, Planned Parenthood sees Franken emerging from the September primary election as victor, (fitting Franken's declining debate with challenger Lord Faris with his reasoning being the campaign is about Norm Coleman, his record, and his apprentiship as Dick Cheney's intellectual butler.

Links for the Planned Parenthood endorsement story in more detail: [1] Minnesota Independent; [2] RH Reality Check.

This photo montage, from Minn. Independent, crediting Flickr:

And if you want to see a classicly amateurish effort at constructing an "argument" and trying to hijack a thread by not staying on point, check out the Minnesota Independent comment. Were the commenter to try to defend Coleman it would be on-point but instead it is irrelevant because the individual has an intent to divert attention from real and lasting issues, to simplistic GOP garbage about pump price shock. It is an insult to thinking people, as the entire Drill Here, Drill Now campaign is. FIRST, make the existing drilling-rights leaseholders either produce petroleum or forfeit their leaseholds, then fix the refinery bottleneck, and in the process avoid the unrealistic bombast of those who would confuse things; the Newt Gingrich faction.

BOTTOM LINE: If you want encompassing reproductive freedom, you vote Franken. If you want a nanny government telling you how to live and value things AND defining the freedoms you cannot have, you vote Coleman.

And why the GOP regulars want to keep families in greater bondage, we all have ideas about that.

Franken for Freedoms.

How's that for a slogan.

Freedom of choice, freedom from Draconian credit practices, Al's said all that already.

NOW, Al, let's hear it really strong - a right to decent healthcare FOR EVERYONE IN AMERICA as a basic freedom the most prosperous nation on the globe owes its people.

Once we have that kind of thing, like our neighbors, the sane and sensible Canadians, it should get most of the people waving a flag and saying, "Yes, it is a good and responsible nation." Until then, skepticism is merited. The Maple Leaf's for now the flag of the most progressive and compassionate nation in North America. We need to catch up.