
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Aubrey Immelman, a progress report. A conservative candidate progressing, and a progressive GOP conserving.

See quoted ANNOUNCEMENT below, for itinerary. Click on an image to enlarge:

I requested to be on press release notices and Candidate Immelman, GOP Sixth District primary candidate, sent this, related to the non-carbon loading bicycle tour he and family are engaged in [read more at the candidate's campaign site, here, or the report by Larry Schumacher at St. Cloud Times, here]. The pics at the head of this post are from the candidate's site, the one closing the post is from St. Cloud Times.

The press release emailing the candidate sent says:


FROM: Aubrey Immelman
Sixth Congressional District Republican challenger


Re: Sixth District Walking Tour Kickoff

Date: Saturday, Aug. 9, 2008

Time: 9 AM

Location: Charlie’s Café, 115 Main St., Freeport

Why: To introduce myself to Sixth District residents, listen to their concerns, and talk to local media.


Name: Aubrey Immelman

Title: Sixth Congressional District Republican challenger

Phone: 320 240-6828 or 320 339-9797 (on the road)


On Saturday, Aug. 9 at 9 AM, I will be at Charlie’s Café in Freeport, accompanied by my family, to talk with local residents and interested media. From there, I will proceed on foot along the Lake Wobegon Trail with my four children (aged 13, 11, 9, and 2) in tow on bicycles. I expect to reach the Albany trailhead by noon; the Avon trailhead by 2 PM; and the St. Joseph trailhead 5 PM. On Monday, I will head south along the Highway 10 corridor to Anoka, and from there to Blaine and Stillwater, where I hope to arrive by the end of the week, along a route yet to be determined. Updates will be posted on my campaign blog at

Apologies to the candidate for not getting the post up sooner, but supporters and those wanting to meet and greet will have most of the week for that. He already was on the road, Saturday. Please show up along the route, to welcome him.

From all I have seen he is a promising candidate and his GOP ambitions are sincere. And he welcomes company on the District tour-rally.

Bike along, if you are in shape. Be there or be square, and tell him Crabgrass sent you.

I intend posting more about Immelman. I find him interessting. For now, there's the tour. And, he has called himself "a Chuck Hagel conservative." Since we all know by now that Sen. Hagel was one of two foreign affairs - military affairs consultants accompanying Sen. Obama's fact-finding trip to the two war zones, and Wikipedia reports, "Hagel announced on September 10, 2007 that he will retire from the Senate at the end of his present term and will not seek the presidency;" this could mean a cross-aisle cabinet position in the Obama presidency, much as Sen. Cohen served in Bill Clinton's cabinet.