
Saturday, August 16, 2008

"Been there, learned that" wisdom is worth getting given to you, and taking to heart.

An extensive excerpt:

"When I was seventeen months old, my dad – a decorated World War II vet – died in a car accident on his way home from a shift at the paper mill. My mother was widowed at age 29 with five kids – and I wasn’t the youngest. We made it because of Social Security survivor benefits.

"Sometimes we didn’t have heat, sometimes no electricity, and sometimes there wasn’t enough food on the table, but we had a lot of love. Sure, we all learned how to manage a household on a shoe-string budget but we also learned the true meaning of family.

"And I’m proud to say that my mom, my three sisters, my brother, and I are here today and contributing to society because of the opportunity we were given by the Social Security Act. The opportunity to stay together as a family. The opportunity to keep our home. The opportunity to overcome a tough blow and become productive citizens.

"So you can understand why I get so upset whenever I hear people talking about privatizing this important program. Can you imagine what would have happened to our Social Security funds if we had allowed big business to take them over? The very businesses that are losing BILLIONS of dollars because of bad investments are the ones that would have been in charge of our Social Security funds."

Frannie Franken, here.

photos resized, from Google Images