Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The Arab world is not monolithic nor unsophisticated. Things interesting for themselves and as examples of something else.

The Emirates are not Wahhabi-ist, and heads are not universally chopped off in public squares for instances of adultry. Compare, here, here, here and here. Scandalize them then send them on their way is not uniquely a western concept of properly dealing with minor misbehavior.

But that's hardly the point of things. Not with Gaza happening.

Objective argument of a position with stridency and Islamist fundamentalism wholly absent from the analysis, as largely collateral to the political realities of what's going on, is clear from these three Abu Dhabi items, two on Gaza and one on - of all things, possibly positive implications of the Madoff situation; respectively, here, here and here.

Tone and sophistication are apparent as "western-style" reporting, particularly British, per Economist or Guardian.

On Gaza, to show a range of material is out there for the taking by Mainstream Media, and that we perhaps are being propagandized that way with Bushco in alliance, here is a reprinted Russian item, from a "western" UN source.

We have to be cautious to not have our opinions influenced too much by what we are told, without a questioning mind toward those "telling us." We should try for a spectrum of sources giving us a broad perspective for opinion formation, which is what our government, State Department in particular, does. The only failure of "intelligence" leading to the Iraq invasion was of that between the ears of those looking for plausible lies to tell us, to justify their already formed decisions. That would be Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rice and their cabal of neocons and other misfits. Lessons exist. It is for us to learn them.

AIPAC can have its say. It's graphics and its terminology. We believe what we think credible, and are better at it if there is not a single insistent and uncontradicted drumbeat - repetition being a key element to propagandizing a population.

Mention of Economist, without linking to their online Gaza coverage, would be remiss. See, here, here and here. Compare the Abu Dhabi "The National" items. Same writers? Same university schooling?

Finally, to be immune to propaganda, you must be a good person and go to church regularly, and listen to what they tell you. Pastor Blair at Lord of Life in Ramsey will even endorse candidates for you, mentioning his church affiliation with his name, but expressing a personal opinion not necessarily that of his congregation or Bishop. 501(c)(3) and all that. Pastor Mac dodged a bullet, so far, credit the lawyering. He preaches that God wants you to be rich and prosper and tithe yourself for his church's benefit. In part at least, it's an easy thing to believe. He believes it. The church buys airplanes for him. A demonstrated prosperity.