
Friday, August 02, 2024


 Weird? You decide.

This is Trump deliberately dealing falsely with black female journalists, after promising to appear for an interview session. This is where Trump says Harris is suddenly saying she is "black" after having been "Asian Indian" previously. That she's not black. It is in the video.

This is Trump trying to channel Harris into being a representative of merely the black and Asian blocs within the Democratic Party's diverse base. Trying to minimize her to that based on ethnicity. It is aimed at defining her, and fits well within the Guardian analysis in the post right below this one.

Harris runs for the party which historically has had a middle class, working class base, where also diverse social behavioral groups can be accommodated as politically free to be who they are, without social disapproval, but with a place in the nation and a right to a part of the American Dream. Historically, and now, the Democratic Party is a workers and middle class party, and clearly not "leftist elites,"  "radical Marxists," or "oppressive leftist non-patriots," as Republicans repeatedly shout. Just regular people who don't trust the current Supreme Court.

Peter Thiel, a multi-billionaire Californian hand-picked a Yale schooled California Bay Area venture capitalist as Trump's VP; the one, JD Vance, who moved back to Ohio from California to kickstart his own political elitist career movement - on Thiel's millions of adeptly deployed PAC money. 

And with that elitist fact, Trump nonetheless uses a backhanded approach to say, to imply, Harris = black woman elitist, and only that, by raising the issue as he did among black female journalists. 

Harris = Democrat, that is the fact, being one who happens to be of mixed Jamaican and East Indian ethnicity. BUT SHE REPRESENTS THE WHOLE PARTY, JUST AS BIDEN, WHO HAPPENS TO BE OF IRISH HERITAGE DID, AND BERNIE, WHO IS JEWISH, AIMS TO IMPROVE. 


Simple in principle, do your own definition. Trump does not like it when Democratic Party speakers characterize him as a convicted fraudster felon and bigot, which he is. His self-definition attempt instead is as "Retribution" for imagined wrongs to White Nationalists. And tip of the spear for the Republican Party's Christian Nationalist bloc. Both parts of his base are activist-nationalists who want to bend all of us to their narrowed worldview. Opposed to live and let live. So let him be those things to his base, but do not let him define his opponent. Simple enough?

Just as Harris is locked to be nominee for her larger and more diverse Party, Trump is nominee of those wanting to tell everybody else how to live and behave. Where the difference is Democrats want to live free as they are comfortable or choose, whether gay, in need of an abortion, or whatever -- people allied within the notion of not telling others how to live and think, while only wanting fairness for themselves.

With the class war that the wealthy have waged forever against the less privileged being the single most important unifying factor among Democrats, they oppose Trump's bowing to rich oppressors, the Peter Thiels among us. Trump's bondage that way is most clearly shown by Trump's only kept promise while in office four years, that being the promise of cutting taxes for the wealthy while keeping the government and economy prosperous enough by running record deficit spending levels in good times, not in bad times where pump priming helps. Trump promised an infrastructure bonanza, which once out, Biden and the Democrats delivered.

And then "tax cutting deficit spending Trump" had Covid hit and it undid Trump's posturing. It hit when he had no answer but to tell Jared to do something, which, clearly Jared failed at. People died. In record numbers. The nation was unprepared.

And Trump is now at false promising again.

Weird false promising which Politifact has cataloged past and present, here and here.

Really weird. Trump is as weird as the guy on video here, disowned by his family over his hate, including false trafficking in his "Biden's Migrant Crime" shtick, a colossal but easily debunked Big Lie.

And that is weird! 

It is Trump's closest advisor on immigration policy. Where there is no policy beyond visceral untrue hate mongering. You've seen four Trump years, and he wants four more. With Stephen Miller there as continuity.

Harris ought to win. Especially if she is progressive and populist in her campaigning, (true that way and not as Trump falsely poses). She should become the landmark first female President which the nation is ready to embrace. Her personality and past are not something which would get in her way. And she faces a proven weak and false opponent. May she seize the day.