
Friday, August 02, 2024

Today, at WaPo, a story of ten million bucks, Egypt, Trump; and did Egypt give cash to Trump, on its own or as a conduit for a neighbor?

It is a story of FBI having questions, Barr's DOJ being in the way, and statute of limitations being reached, with no answer. Our government, at its best, during Trump's term in office. Ten million is not chump change, even for an NBA max-contract athlete. And - there was a 2016 time when the Trump campaign was running short on money. 

May the story grow legs, cutting Trump down to size. Grow legs to cut Trump off at the knees. And Egypt has ambitious neighbors, some wealthy, and for a Middle East state, ten million could be thought of as an investment, future oriented, in anticipation of something. What? Legs to be grown.