Friday, August 23, 2024

Breitbart big headlines - JFK Jr. to endorse Trump. Yeah, Nikki Haley did that too.

No link. Go there if you care. The endorsement is all the story there is.

 If Trump were to get all votes Kennedy Jr. might have gotten, if so, that might be news.

It's not clear Trump will get the Nikki votes even. DeSantis, yeah the candidate and supporters fit Trump. But that's such a tiny fraction of Americans, DeSantis people.

Breitbart also has a sidebar item, Harris gave a short acceptance speech.

There is quality and there is quantity. Trump spoke late into the night. Not as long as a baseball game, longer than NBA playing time, but the games include commercials. Trump's speech, the coherent parts, were a commercial, and keeping the advertisement short and focused is not a mistake. It is being kind.

Online there is the local "newspaper" outlet, other stuff. Checking local first, what then?

Start with how you start, coffee in hand in the morning, the homepage - -- which is part of newspapers vanishing as sold print, transitioning to a traditional media web presence:

click the image to enlarge and read

 That screencapture is how it loads for me, the browser I use, the script blocker I use, the "uBlock origin" filter I use, so your Strib homepage may look different. 

The headlining appears to editorialize, which is why the screenshot goes down into the "OPINION" section of the homepage. Check the capture. Decide for yourself. Objective vs. subjective, with those being elastic labels, more or less not either/or.

The main featured item, with the large Harris/crowd image is an AP feed when you get into the text details.

Convention closing-day locally related content is clear, a Walz family image, Walz mentioned. All of this has a flavor of - Trump exists, but this is "our outlet's" leaning.

It is Glen Taylor's paper, he was a Republican legislator years ago, and his editors and writers are the paper, more than he is. (He owns the pro basketball teams, for now, and the players and management are the teams more than Taylor is.)

Back to the story. Much online sees the convention as a landmark event. First Black woman nominee, first Asian American nominee, first female Asian American.

That is all true. Crabgrass opinion now = She could be purple and from Mars, but she's not Donald J. Trump, and she has my vote. 

Landmarks are there, but Trump is a mean and hateful person, he had four years which were not good ones as I view things, he was voted out for that and denied he lost, and incited an untoward event for no good reason.

Why would I not want Trump defeated AGAIN? A hope that Harris-Walz wins is strongly held, while a far weaker belief is that she'd fundamentally change for the better from the Biden course. As in Medicare for All, for example. The belief is held here that things were manipulated, gamed, set up and scripted so that Biden would look failed when he is not, it would be strung out, and bottom line of the planning and scripting, Harris would be the replacement, done deal, no time left for any Plan B beyond a Harris cramdown. 

Do I, thinking that, resent being scripted and gamed? NO, not really.

Things are now that we face Harris-Walz vs Trump-Vance, with Harris-Walz being predictably akin to Biden-Harris. Vs. a Trump-Pence replay or more likely even worse, SO - Trump even worse and Vance in place of Pence compared to same Dem. party, a continuity, and there are several Dems afoot who I feel under other more open a choice-option would be worse if getting nominated instead of Harris. So, however things were manipulated by Inner Party Dems, Harris is fine enough, which is enough for me, since my judgment is Trump was awful as President, and he seems even more bile-ridden for having lost (and failing to accept it). Trump's shown nothing suggesting his being again in the White House would be better than has failed four years, the signs as I read them being he'd be vindictive, petty, unduly headstrong and such; as before; but even worse. But I repeat myself.

So first Purple Martian candidate, whatever, BETTER THAN TRUMP. Never mind landmarks, watersheds, or what metaphor you choose. Just simple good sense.

Not that I disrespect "watershed moments" but as a fully practical matter, she'd not be what the Clintons are and were, bless her good heart for that, and she's not going to be a Bernie or AOC, but with that populist-progressive flavor favored more here, the reality exists - and is accepted.

The belief, bottom line, she'd be as good or better than Biden's four years showed him. And a younger person within The Party. The nation will fend better with Trump soundly defeated and that torch passed from Trump the huckster to Vance, the thoughtful, with that being MAGA still in the Republican driver's seat, not Cruz and McConnell. (But Vance and Mike Johnson. If they'd bury Jim Jordan they'd advance measurably toward credibility, but they in fact still have Jim Jordan, so view them, their credibility, accordingly.)

Opinions surely differ. Mine are as stated. With a guess that a majority in November will elect Harris-Walz. i.e., that while opinions differ, my opinions as they are remain closer to a mainstream, (whatever that means), with my guess being that "mainstream" is as unhappy as me with the whole shit-show business of how money perverts government and how the wealthy's long-continuing class war against the rest of us is still running the nation for better or worse, but not for as good a life for everybody as is possible, were the wealthy simply to show less fucking greed. 


The Crabgrass guess being - Under Harris-Walz the world shall not experience nuclear disaster, and likely under Trump-Vance the same would be true, but a disastrous outcome under Trump-Vance is more likely than the other way.

Not drinking the Koolaid, but practically saying Harris-Walz is more sound, is about where I stand, not loving it, but where I hope and expect most of the nation's people will go, Nov. 5.

Luke warm as an endorsement. But strong in an opposition. Chips falling, Nov. 5.



Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thinking about Joe Biden

Shortly after November 6 he will know who won or lost. In either event, after that, he should fully pardon Hunter, who apparently has no State cases against him, only federal.

Yes he said he would not. So what? It's his pardon power and up to Jan. 20, 2025, use it or lose it.

And the biggest joy he could reap from doing it, besides his son's appreciation, when all the little Republicans whine about saying he would not do it, he can have the joy of saying what many feel, and say or do not say, "Fuck you, I'm retiring."

He should do that also, to not leave any loose ends for Harris to have to clean up, should she be the winner. 

BOTTOM LINE: After a long career in politics, nothing else really in the work resume, there should be great personal joy to him, were he to do it. Do it, dial into YouTube and play and listen to, "My Way." Play it again. Send the link to his House Republican friends.


Send the My Way link to Rupert's overpaid nattering moron talking heads, email titled, "Fuck you. I'm retired. He's pardoned."

Yes, DC does not seem tuned to that frequency, but on the way out, Joe really really can call the shots.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Project 2025 had people sign their names. Love it hate it, names were given. To become better educated, I am trying to wrap my mind into Agenda 2030, which I at least understand to be different from, arguably inconsistent with, Neom.

Agenda 2030 is the name used for this item, of an undated publication date as early superficial examination indicates, and it's a UN item, but authorship is felt an unneeded thing to be part of the item. Not that in either instance the names might mean much to me, but to others, having the names - with name recognition might matter.

Admitting ignorance at the beginning of reading Agenda 2023, and admitting a less than complete reading of Project 2025, is admitting an ignorance with an intention to grasp the Agenda. It is shorter. It has an accompanying website. This is a stub post with likely UPDATING, once reading is done, or incrementally as it is done.

The thing is, nobody is talking media-wise, otherwise, about Agenda 2030, while that may be dismissive as not important, or intentional that only a few savants with a need to know will know. Either way somebody is sketching a future. Globalism, and New World Order, and Great Reset are buzzwords coming to mind where if it's a heavily regarded future plan, I'd better know what I can of it. Just, you know, in case I might not like it, or see in my mind a better way. 

Well, one more thought - I'll have likely croaked by the time 2030 arrives, so this is an agenda for others, younger folks, who might have a more direct interest in what is being planned, by somebody. So, simply stated, the young should be showing more interest in this aim toward a future than me, with my limited number of future years.

All for now. The links are above, so readers can study things in parallel to my study.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Write the new song, "Dear Don."

Without wanting to be drawn deeply into Trump's latest bad judgment horseshit exercise, Taylor Swift could write that song, convince John Mayer to play guitar and do back-up vocals, and they could go on a reunion tour.  Or not. It would be better than suing Trump. 

Trump might be able to conjure up the ghost of Roy Cohn, or this SCOTUS might find an excuse for approving his latest boorishness, (they've done it before), so do the song. Do the tour.

Do I not take Taylor Swift seriously? I don't chew bubblegum.

People I never met had experience I cannot ignore. Outsiders to the practice of law, and how some cope with stress, should read this linked item.

 There is little to add to the story of a young man's suicide, unanticipated by the widow, and how that tells each of us, as a prof told a class I was in, as in boxing, protect your head. 

Link. That was big law. It can happen at any level. In any profession. With a doctor treating me, she is talented, and I do not want her to burn out. We've not discussed it, but special people need support, before a burnout. Read this linked story. Set your mind to grasping it in full. Appreciate that stress can affect others more than the stress you've survived. We lose too many.

Taking care of business -

 Dallas media outlet carried an AP feed of Day 1 of the Dem Convo, including: 

Harris will travel Tuesday to Milwaukee for a rally in the swing state of Wisconsin before returning to Chicago late in the evening.

The Harris campaign said Tuesday that it will spotlight “trusted messengers” from key battleground states over the convention’s three remaining days. They include Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada; Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Sen. Gary Peters and Rep. Elissa Slotkin of Michigan; Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania and Sen. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin. From Arizona, Sen. Mark Kelly will speak along with John Giles, the Republican mayor of Mesa.

Gov. Roy Cooper of North Carolina will be the last speaker before Harris accepts the Democratic nomination on Thursday.

States in play have featured speakers. Wisconsin beckons.

Showtime is for bolstering the groupies. Chips are down in Wisconsin. Convention face time is given those who will push locally in swing states. Reminding viewers who they are, where they will be. What the ongoing message is. It is business. It is awareness of states Trump took or did well in back in 2016 when Podesta and the Clintons did not care to push as hard as you will see Harris-Walz pushing.

Tom Emmer video-tweets. He brays, so credit him with being that end of a horse.

“Tim Walz is a left-wing radical who has turned Minnesota into a liberal wasteland.”

So says Emmer. As if fit to judge his betters. 

First, Walz is a moderate, leaning conservative. Second, Minnesota is not a wasteland. Liberal or otherwise. 

Third, Emmer got his Congressional seat when incumbent Republican Michele Bachmann declined to run again. With that, he was an upgrade, but with Bachmann the comparison, it says nothing. Lipstick on a pig is still a pig. While Emmer is not bat-shit  crazy, as is Bachmann, he is an ultra-conservative Catholic against women's freedom and physician-patient privacy; a/k/a he is anti-abortion. Like Matt Birk. Like JD Vance, both also Catholic. 

The difference between Vance and Emmer? Vance is smart. Vance had Trump pegged before ambition changed his tune. Emmer? He trusted those SBF guardrails against fraud. Praising them. Before the fan loaded up. And, yeah. Front end of the horse. He can tie his shoes.

UPDATE: "Wasteland" was a particularly concerning word for Emmer to use. He avidly supports copper-nickel sulfide mining in northern waters of Minnesota, which, under mining greed and global history of copper sulfide mining disasters, puts the BWCA and the entire Rainy River watershed at "wasteland" risk, if it ever is done instead of stymied by Democrats. Stauber, his district, wants it. Emmer, neighboring Stauber's district, he wants it. Trump had it fast-tracked. Biden put on the brakes.


From here, it looks as if there is no better Harris-Walz reason, plenty of reasons but none better, than that split on the toxic mining ambitions of foreign nations' mining giants.

Republicans want the risk. Money to be made, local short-term jobs in a GOP district. Long term disaster looming, and Dems want caution. The Minnesota legislature still has to pass "prove it safe first" legislation - the Dem majority failed on that last session, but we know a Republican sell-out when we see it. 

For Crabgrass, a bottom line. Don't sell out climate. Don't sell out the environment. Don't sell out to Trump-Vance. Vote smart. Harris-Walz is not perfect. Lesser evil still rules the nation's politics. But greater-evil has nothing going for it, and that is how it is. Was. Will be. Electing Harris-Walz will even free Vance from "Great Again," and the inconvenient truth that Trump's never dared to define, "Great When?"  Figure that one out.


Monday, August 19, 2024

Expect nothing new from either. Each is set into a bland pattern of motion.

Pinkerton: Liquid Gold — Donald Trump’s Winning Message on Energy and Wealth

 Aging equipment, age showing, faulty at times, but still can leave an oil slick.

Axios has posted a schedule for the Dems in Chicago. Lingering days of Summer will be good to get outside, exercise, enjoy sunny days.

 From Axios report, lead image -

Shepard Fairey poster with Harris in Chicago
Forward a week, there'll be news then.

Programs generating AI images do exist, which have been improved to where they provide realistic images.

Axios posts a day-by-day schedule.

One speaker who's not on the official agenda but Axios has confirmed will take the stage on Tuesday: former First Lady Michelle Obama.

  • Monday, "For the People": Biden and Dr. Jill Biden speak, along with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and a welcome from Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson.
  • Tuesday, "A Bold Vision for America's Future": Former President Obama plus second gentleman Doug Emhoff, with a welcome from Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker.
  • Wednesday, "A Fight for Our Freedoms": Vice presidential nominee Tim Walz delivers his acceptance speech, preceded by former President Clinton, Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg (per CNN).
  • Thursday, "For Our Future": Harris accepts the convention's nomination for president.

Other speakers include Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries.

  • Former President Carter's grandson, Jason Carter, is expected to speak on behalf of his grandfather, who has said he hopes to stay alive long enough to vote for Harris. 

Forward, the poster says. 

Both of the Clintons are noted. (A caution to not go backwards?) Opinions can differ. 

Emhoff's speech may prove interesting.

We know Trump. We know, or are learning about Vance and Project 2025.

A guess - the Democratic Party Platform will show up at some point, differing from Project 2025, and shorter. Or is it out already?

Bernie, not even there is spirit. It is their party to run as they want, not something I can influence. Seemingly not something Bernie can influence either.

Dean Phillips not set to speak, or at least not a keynote featured one.

They are almost all younger than Trump. 

There is Pelosi. Credit her with a younger mind than Trump, more agile, more varied. But still. 

Remember the '60s, the '68 convention, also in Chicago, young and old people in the streets, young ones on TV saying, "Don't trust anyone over thirty." Now nobody under thirty. 

Nothing set on fire. Police overreaction. Back then.

This one certainly looks as if it's designed to not be a barn burner. Boring, more than the Republican's. Lower key. Palestine going unmentioned. Gaza protest news only outside the venue. Calm inside. Did I say boring? Yeah.


Online, a how to, but why would you?

_________FURTHER UPDATE__________

Harris looks to be running as lesser evil, but more than that, as positive about the nation, now, as is. "We're okay," and not trashing things as being in some dire straits with a need to be transformed to some"Great Again" paternalism, with women as child bearing ones knowing their place.

In my perfect world AOC would be the candidate. She's young, she's populist progressive, and if the Republicans keep insisting that any Dem candidate is overly, hopelessly leftist, (even calling Pelosi that), then run one who is at least left leaning. Which is what Democratic Socialist AOC is. Calling Harris a leftist insults all who'd like Medicare for All and taxing the rich, taxing wealth as well as income. Leveling the playing field.

Harris is compatible with Biden's middle road to being "not Trump," better than Trump never mind how low that bar is set. So far, the fact is Trump running three times and only the Clintons not successful against him. That says much.

Trump is a greater evil, not by a small margin, but by a frightening gulf. That is reality. Harris seems poised to be a sane choice, which should be enough. And young enough to make it through four years, after which she runs again, while smarter and better educated than Trump. Younger - less worrisome that way, smarter and better educated is a trifecta for which she only has to be cautious to win.

Harris can handle that, and being a decent human while the desperate negative campaign will be never-ending against her and will ultimately step well too far, it should be an election where Trump finally loses his hold on MAGA, MAGA shrinks, or Vance inherits MAGA to fashion it his ways. That latter option is the one that seems viable where we see who Vance is without having to be Trump-like.

Presuming a Trump - Vance loss, what then? Crabgrass foresees traditional Republicans climbing over the wreck and blaming Vance, not Trump, for Trump losing. It will be a shit show, but expect it. Rubio and Cruz. Saying the Vance way is not the high road. As if they'd know a high road.

Trump winning is possible, and then the devil's getting his due. Ugly and then some, should Trump win.

___________FURTHER UPDATE___________

To underline how boring the Dem convention planning is; Guardian, home page screenshot - trying to gin up something resembling interesting news - hey, protest signs, etc. and Gaza exists, don't forget that ---- because, otherwise, Big yawn -

click the image to enlarge and read


___________FURTHER UPDATE___________

I was wrong. They gave AOC face time at the show, Monday, to trash Trump's persona and fear-monger against him, according to Guardian.

“Chicago, we have to help her win because we know that Donald Trump would sell this country for a dollar if it meant lining his own pockets and greasing the palms of his Wall Street friends,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “I, for one, am tired of hearing about how a two-bit union buster thinks of himself as more of a patriot than the woman who fights every single day to lift working people out from under the boots of greed trampling on our way of life.”

Well, Vance represents Silicon Valley venture capital, not Wall Street globalization capital, and after Trump crashed the casino venture and stiffed Wall Street banks Trump had to reach out to Deutsche Bank because Wall Street froze against him.

But AOC said what she said. Why she did not say "Silicon Valley confederates" instead of "Wall Street friends" is for her to know and for us to guess. Avoiding nuances with that crowd had a measure of wisdom to it.

"Boots of greed," Harris fighting every single day against them boots? Labor mobility at the border is real, and such, and AOC seems not immune to Potomac fever. Being there tops tending bar, and staying there, having convention face time makes one wonder if she'd campaign again with Bernie. Judging her well, if she thought Bernie again had a chance, she'd be okay. It's hypothetical. Will she sit tight and build seniority, or take on Schumer? If/when it happens, great, but for now she's for Harris over Trump, which cannot be faulted. 

Even apart from party loyalty, Harris over Trump was a no-brainer for AOC.

Better than tending bar.

FURTHER: It would be wrong to leave it where readers might feel I distrust AOC. I do not. People grow and change and she has had a dead-end job, thought to change, and did and ended up in the House. She likely is still learning all of what that means, and what she should expect of herself, what is feasible, what is necessary. It is necessary she takes the opportunity to put her voice behind Harris-Walz. There are many who weigh that in decision making. She was right to go on record as she did. She is adapting to a new job few of us can fully contemplate. Wish her well.

FURTHER: Harris/Walz seems from here to be a generic no-brainer. I've been wrong before but just have the feel that I'm right this time. Humping the GOTV should do it. Harris and Walz will both work hard and smart. Trump seems to be fragmenting. In the kitchen, the heat building up, what can he stand?