
Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Pro Publica has put online a full 21 min Biden interview from last September. The cogency and depth are clear, even while he is not a JFK grade of speaker. What matters in leading a country is not style it is substance.

 So, the obvious question, do you have any cause to believe Biden's alternative choice, Trump, is in any way substantial? Or is Trump a poster child of insubstantial hand waving obfuscation and misleading blather? If elected Trump will try, with his aides and related people, to implement Project 2025. 

That nefarious screed was written by corporate lobbyists who want a world easier for them and their clients, and less protective of the general population. "Drain the swamp" is easy to say, but it would be as easy to say what is intended behind that phrase, "disimpower the very beneficial constraints that regulatory administrative agencies doing their job put upon naked business exploitative possibilities in order to have a sounder economy which works better for average people." More words. Yes. Not as cute. But honesty sometimes needs more.

Having said that the item Pro Publica put on YouTube is online here.

Pro Publica's own complete web presentation is online here.

Throughout the item Biden never says anything about the specific threat to Democracy posed by the Heritage Foundation and its lobbyist roots and cares, put into many pages of things lobbyists would like to see happen, and bound up into a package called "Project 2025." 

It will not be that way, with Biden reelected, which is the explanation for these people with their agenda ready against us, for their embracing an asshole such as Donald J. Trump.

Wake up. Smell the coffee. Enjoy the coffee. Vote.

Vote, vote, vote, vote, vote. Not to say multiple times which is unlawful. But when the time comes, do your clear and pressing duty, vote however you think best to vote, but don't dodge the duty. Don't say, this or that is more important. Yes life has important personal things. But voting is no real burden and everybody knows that. Including those shirking the duty. Just. Do. It.

It is no burden. You are not too busy. Early voting is fully available. JUST DO IT.

Vote against the gigantic threat to ordinary people which Project 2025 glibly presents. Yes. Read as much of it as you can take. It is long. It is turgid. It is an exercise in deceptive wording. Propaganda always is. But bottom line, it is for the likes of Koch interests, smoothing their agenda's implementation, not for you.

Vote against it by voting for Joe Biden, who sees and speaks to threats to Democracy, which is what Project 2025 is.


It is wrong that the video so far has had so few views. It should have been viewed millions and millions of times. As frequently as a Taylor Swift video posted to YouTube. It has more substance, after all.

This link    


Running against Trump is running against the man, his style, his offensiveness.

Running against Trump AND against Project 2025 is all that and exposing Trump as not being the populist rebel he poses himself to be, but rather against Trump as the funded frontrunner for a big corporate takeover of government, posed as something populist because posing as a populist is what got Trump to where he is. 

And because those wanting to make corporate rule easier prefer to pursue that aim indirectly and sneaking around, because to say upfront what's going on would doom their agenda - - - that agenda being, full monty, Project 2025 - what it would do aside from how smoothly it is packaged and promoted. 

No sane regular person would want those paying for Heritage Foundation bullshit to have their way with us. 

Clearly so. Knowing that, they wrap things in ribbons and bows. And, why not if it works, wrap the entire anti-populace business in populism. 

Trump as vocal front man. Market and sell