
Tuesday, July 02, 2024

If Biden stays the course, which seems likely, these are the people who'd have to collectively act under the 25th Amendment, should things come to that. Listed and named to where anyone can web search.

The job of President is not to look pretty on TV or give good speeches, or to incite feelings among the public which might not be bringing out the best in those affected. The job is to make sound decisions. Quietly and in an orderly way, a way not to inflame passions, but to have sound outcomes. Often decisions need to be quick and made in very hard circumstances. Biden has been in DC long enough to know the people around him are a help, and not to be scrutinized in actions as loyal or disloyal and if doubted to be discarded as trash having no worth, as with a used condom.

Now who'd do that? 

Done that, do that? Where "loyal" means bending to being told. Accepting being dominated. Flexible.  And with "loyal" being a one-way street.

Rudy was "loyal." In bankruptcy, loyal. Disbarred, loyal. How much loyaler can you be? And with a wellspring of publicly shown appreciation for such loyalty. Yes/no?

Beyond reasonable limits as normal people might see things Pence was loyal. But he drew a line.

The Biden cabinet should be expected to responsibly know duties, but to not make any mistake, in haste, or out of any individual burning delusions of self-importance.

Such expected qualities are admirable, normal, human qualities. Stable qualities.