
Monday, July 08, 2024

AP. Updated today. Biden by letter informed Hill Democrats he is not stepping aside. Let us take our President at his word and silence the discrediting buzz. Nail it shut.

 Hopefully this ends it. Biden's alright. He has a VP, should anything happen. He has a competent Cabinet. He has the electors from primaries. He has the campaign money.

It's his call. Let us hope he sent a letter copy to NYTimes. They need it - Between the eyes, "Won't happen, stfu."

Opinions can differ. Biden's opinion counts more than others. So ---- Let it rest.

UPDATE - The letter is online, 2 pages, in a pdf format you can download and print (and put on the 'fridge with 'fridge magnets to look at every day from here to the November general election). 

What more do you want? What else would you need?

Please do think it out. With Biden, the Joint Chiefs would never have to tell the Chinese,  no panic, that procedures exist so that WW III will not be started. 

Recall, please, that was a needed step when a deranged and unstable insurrectionist individual left office before Biden took over. Learn. Think. Reelect.