
Friday, March 22, 2024

Drama queen does drama. Who's it about? Initials, MTG.

 Multiple sources report online. From Guardian coverage -

The far-right Georgia Republican Marjorie Taylor-Greene filed a motion to remove Mike Johnson as House speaker on Friday but did not pull the trigger on a move that would probably pitch Congress into a repeat of the chaos seen last October, when the right ejected Kevin McCarthy.

Speaking after Johnson relied on Democratic votes to pass a $1.2tn spending bill and avoid a government shutdown, Greene said her motion was meant as “more of a warning than a pink slip” because she did not want to “throw the House into chaos”.

Claiming to be a Republican “member in good standing”, Greene said her motion was “filed, but it’s not voted on. It only gets voted on [when] I call it to the floor for a vote.”

Speaking to a scrum of reporters on the Capitol steps, she said: “I’m not saying that it won’t happen in two weeks or it won’t happen in a month or who knows when. But I am saying the clock has started. It’s time for our conference to choose a new speaker.”

Perhaps she'd want MJ in a little Prius labled "SOCIALISM" for her to remake that one commercial where she fired and then raffled off a 50 caliber sniper rifle. 

UPDATE: (8:21 AM 3/23/2024) Breitbart publishes an interesting follow-up, "FNC’s Compagno: As a Republican, I Am ‘Sick and Tired’ of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ‘Tantrum’".

A sort of do-your-job and quit fucking around for attention thing. With a bunch of typos, but legit. (Readers can decide how legit.)