
Friday, March 22, 2024

All I know is what I read on the web, and Rupert's NYPost has two items up, both dated March 21, which might interest readers, and could grow legs.

 Not second sourced online but here it is -

Republican lawmakers sue DOJ tax attorneys for refusing to provide testimony in Biden impeachment inquiry


CIA blocked feds from interviewing Hunter Biden’s ‘sugar brother’ Kevin Morris during five-year tax probe 

Those struck Crabgrass as wtf items.

The one complaint is 59p long - whatever happened to the FRCP pleading rule about a a complaint being a short clear statement of grounds upon which relief can be granted? Will be reading it, after posting. Not short! Perhaps clear?


UPDATE: (8:04 AM 3/23/2024) The complaint meanders. More to the point, the joint letter to the CIA:

Two pages of text including Committee Chair signatures; a third page showing cc: to Committee ranking members. Key paragraphs:

The information we recently received from the whistleblower seems to corroborate our concerns about DOJ’s deviations from standard process to provide Hunter Biden with preferential treatment. According to the whistleblower, in August 2021, when IRS investigators were preparing to interview Patrick Kevin Morris, an associate of Hunter Biden, the CIA intervened to stop the interview. Two DOJ officials were allegedly summoned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia for a briefing regarding Mr. Morris. At that meeting, it was communicated that Mr. Morris could not be a witness during the investigation.

It is unknown why or on what basis the CIA allegedly intervened to prevent investigators from interviewing Mr. Morris. However, these allegations track with other evidence showing how the DOJ deviated from its standard investigative practices during the investigation of Hunter Biden. Accordingly, to further the Committees’ ongoing oversight and impeachment inquiry, please provide the following documents and information:


 It would be most interesting if the CIA director were to respond that nobody on the Committee has a sufficient security clearance to access requested items, including Committee staff. That would really be news.

Yahoo News, Jan 19, 2024, provides background:

Morris is a Hollywood attorney who has become a ubiquitous behind-the-scenes presence in the long-running political saga surrounding the conduct and alleged misconduct of Hunter Biden.

And in recent weeks, Morris has appeared frequently by Hunter Biden's side. On Wednesday, Morris strode shoulder to shoulder with the president's son as they made a surprise appearance at a congressional contempt hearing on Capitol Hill. Morris flew to Delaware with Hunter Biden for a court hearing there, but did not attend his arraignment in downtown Los Angeles courtroom Thursday, where Biden pleaded not guilty to criminal tax charges. Morris is expected to be back on Capitol Hill on his own next week to face questions from GOP lawmakers behind closed doors about his financial relationship with the president's son.

Morris isn't named in the document, but he also makes a cameo in the federal indictment against Hunter Biden, as the "personal friend" federal prosecutors have said provided approximately $200,000 for Hunter Biden's rent, CBS News has learned.

An entertainment lawyer and author who brokered lucrative deals for the creators of the animated sitcom "South Park" and the Broadway hit "Book of Mormon," Morris' latest project has been helping Hunter Biden.

"I don't know where I would be if not for Kevin," Hunter Biden told The Los Angeles Times last week. "And I don't mean just because he has loaned me money to survive this onslaught, I mean because he has given me back my dignity. He's been a brother to me."

Hunter Biden, center, flanked by Kevin Morris, left, and attorney Abbe Lowell, right, departs a House Oversight Committee meeting on Jan, 10, 2024. / Credit: Kent Nishimura / Getty Images
Hunter Biden, center, flanked by Kevin Morris, left, and attorney Abbe Lowell, right, departs a House Oversight Committee meeting on Jan, 10, 2024. / Credit: Kent Nishimura / Getty Images

Morris and Hunter Biden first met at a political fundraiser in 2019, as Joe Biden launched his campaign for the presidency, according to The New York Times. In addition to providing Hunter Biden with legal support and friendship, Morris has also been integral in providing the president's son with financial help. An IRS agent involved in the Hunter Biden tax investigation told Congress in December Morris spent nearly $5 million financially supporting the president's son. The scope of Morris's financial support was first reported in November by the website Just the News.

An attorney for Morris told CBS News his client's support for the president's son has been motivated purely by friendship. "Hunter is not only a client of Kevin's, he is his friend and there is no prohibition against helping a friend in need, despite the inability of these Republican Chairmen and their allies to imagine such a thing," Bryan M. Sullivan said in an emailed statement.

Hunter Biden and Morris both live in the Los Angeles area, where the president's son has been living while painting and selling his artwork.

See, also: 

Again, all I know is what I read on the web. Trump is being prosecuted for keeping classified documents, while Special Counsel Hur cleared Biden of any crime in his having held classified documents after having left the Vice Presidency during the Obama years. Nobody's written on the web what any of the classified documents say, because, they're still classified. 

A CIA directive to DOJ that inquiry of Morris was verboten, if that claim proves true, puts a new light on Morris aiding Hunter Biden through addiction into current sobriety. And, there is the checkered history of that lurid Laptop, Rudy's fingerprints and all. It's our government, so might we be learning more? Hopefully.