
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Friend Gary ignores the first page of a three page letter. Is that fair? What Crabgrass will do is present the full letter, and then link to Gary's post. Then, readers, form your own opinion.

 The letter is online, (something Gary declined to mention):

Read it there, or below via images.

Here, in image form, are the full three pages. Readers can open up each page in a separate browser tab, read text and footnotes (which cite backup evidence), and see the entire reasoning of why Hunter Biden and his lawyer feel fairness is required for the public to be informed and how the two of them view fair proceeding:

Gary's Post -

Here is Gary's post, as an image which you can open in a separate browser window:

Gary quotes from the letter, meaning he had access to it, but declined in his judgment of how he wanted to present things, to present it in full, as best evidence. 

He excerpts and belittles. He fairly presents key parts of the letter, then mentions circumstantial inferences he draws from things he has posted of before.

He then posts a FOX item with career prosecutor, Republican politician, and FOX talking head Trey Gowdy opining about cross examination. 

In the FOX item Gowdy talks about Jan. 6 hearings when Democrats held the House majority.

Republicans were not a part of the Jan. 6 hearings because of a tactic. They - all but two - declined the opportunity. 

So, declining to be there they did not cross examine. Gowdy is correct that hearings are more to score points and to affect public opinion, than to be fair and balanced. He knows because while a House Republican he did the Benghazi shuffle against Ms. Clinton.

Gary is correct that questioning at hearings is in five minute chunks. Where each participant has a segment, and can defer all or part of his/her five minutes to another, so that a consistent single voice can question at length - should his/her party choose to so proceed. The fact that each is a politician wanting his/her minutes to give a precatory speech taking much of the time from questioning is a political fact. One for which Hunter Biden has no responsibility.

Yet Hunter Biden is willing to subject himself to a publicly viewed session where Republicans can handle their time and presentation authority however they collectively choose, Hunter being under oath, to testify where voters can see how hearing events unfold. What is asked, what are the answers. 

All Biden and Lowell ask is fairness that way. And all of it public. Sunshine on all, since, as the letter first page notes per footnoted evidence, the self-declared Comer aim has always been to sling mud at Joe Biden's reelection chances.

As to how Gary introduces Lowell, it is worth noting from Wikipedia:

Lowell has defended political figures including John Edwards,[10] Jim Wright, Dan Rostenkowski, Charles Keating,[11] Gary Condit,[12] former Nevada governor Jim Gibbons,[13] former congressman Joseph McDade,[14] lobbyist Jack Abramoff,[9] and U.S. senator Bob Menendez.[15]

Lowell was part of the defense of Stephen Jin-Woo Kim,[16] a State Department contractor who pleaded guilty to a felony count of disclosing classified American intelligence on North Korea.

As of June 2017, Lowell has represented Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump in inquiries linked to Russia.[17][18]

(italics emphasis added).  Lowell's worked both sides of the political streets. He is not married to either party. He represents clients, the best interests of his clients, however circumstances seem to define best interests vs other choices. That's his job.

As to pounding the facts, per Gary's wording, The letter first page onto the second page does precisely that. 

Gary's guy, Comer is on record about political motivation, with any claim about laying a basis for possible legislation debunked by the part Gary does, fairly, quote.

Gary than opines that the quote is false, citing a detail.

The key position of Hunter Biden and his lawyer is clear from the beginning page of the letter documenting via clear footnoting that Comer is pursuing a political motive to harm President Biden's reelection chances by mud slinging inuendo, with no smoking gun proof the President ever did anything wrong. If there were smoking gun proof we'd have heard it already. They are fishing, as Lowell's letter points out, big time fishing. Hoping for some catch.

Hunter and Lowell do not want to walk into any closed room "Gotcha aimed" meat grinder as the politician Comer wishes to use. They call bullshit on it.

Are they wrong?


The earlier post about the letter, here, mentions the EmptyWheel anaysis. It is so detailed and tightly written that citing it again is merited. At the time of the earlier post Crabgrass had not studied the text of the letter itself. Also, Gary had not posted until after that earlier attention. Gary's thinking deserved a side-by-side posting of the letter and how he regarded it.

Now, for readers to study it, it has been linked and posted in image form. Enjoy.