
Saturday, July 01, 2023

Less has been said here about the egregious ruling by the rogue court against student loan debt relief because the answer is clear. With an election soon, pack both federal houses with Democrats - real ones from primaries - and Biden will, if reelected, have little option but to sign off since it's his "program" that the robed self-infatuated creeps gutted.

 There is little to add to the headline. Minnesota did the "pack with good Democrats" reform of both state houses and held the executive and had a fruitful session where much good law got passed and signed by its conservative governor - who did a veto once only, of a worker friendly Uber/Lyft wage increase bill, but otherwise did his job.

Not that taking a sound majority of both federal houses will be easy, gerrymandering and voter suppression happen too often, and dumb people are in heavily Republican districts voting consistently against their own best interests, but it is a clear answer, however hard it might be to put into practice.

National abortion reform, by statute, as was done in Minnesota can be implemented nationwide. In the process, Schumer and Jeffries can be sidetracked for better, more sincere people. Something is wrong with too many old-time New York State Dems, (AOC and a handful of newer faces aside), and both houses should reform themselves accordingly.

Not easy. But it is the answer.


And a place to start would be to vote out blowhard commentators who are part of our problems, not part of our solutions.  

Minnesota Reformer coverage will be quoted, starting with - 

“Biden’s student loan scam would’ve bailed out the wealthy while forcing taxpayers — including those who didn’t go to college — to foot the bill,” said House Majority Whip Tom Emmer.

Now, juxtaposing truth and sensible analysis to demagoguery -  

But the borrowers eligible for loan forgiveness were, by and large, from low-income families. An analysis by Politico earlier this year found that “more than 98% of applications came from ZIP codes where the average income is under $75,000,” and “about two-thirds were from neighborhoods with an average income below $40,000.”

“This court with a single decision has transferred $1.6 trillion back onto the shoulders of the working and middle class,” said DFL U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar. “This will prevent Americans from opening businesses, from starting families, paying rent, and paying medical bills.”

[...] It’s unusual to see an action by the court that has such a direct, immediate impact on the kitchen table expenses of so many people. How will they respond, especially at a time when so much news is coming out about the billionaire benefactors of the court’s conservative justices?

Supreme Court Perps:

The perps cement ties to junket money while screwing others. 

Next, let's look at Mr. Emmer.

Opinionated Mr. Emmer: 

Emmer played college hockey in Alaska, likely on an athletic scholarship; i.e., via his scholarship he entertained the wealthy while at U. Alaska-Fairbanks, a public not private university, i.e., he got a tuition free trip while forcing Alaskan taxpayers — including those who didn’t go to college — to foot the bill.

Mr. Emmer should consider the man in his shaving mirror getting a college tuition free ride, not a mere portion of his college cost lessened by debt relief, and then reconcile that shaving-mirror man's past benefits with his current, stern polemics. 

Or better, he should simply shut up. 

Or spend more time serving crypto interests, or schmoozing crypto "innovators" (before their crypto innovative fans load up). 

Whatever. But leave poor folk going in hock to be educated alone from extra grief from a blowhard.