
Sunday, July 02, 2023


 YouTube is replete with video of fires, burned out auto or bus hulks, etc.

Here three brief links: Wikipedia has a brief bystander video of the encounter leading to the young man's death. It shows no danger to officers or others - a stop with guns drawn, the auto moving forward at a slow rate with one of the two policeman firing from aside the driver's door, where both officers stood out of the vehicle's path, the one officer firing through the open driver-side window at point blank range as the auto began to move. Excessive use of force has been claimed with the officer charged with voluntary homicide while in an authority position. Pent up frustrations ensued.

Reuters reports, "French police, long unreformed, under scrutiny after shooting," where ongoing unredressed racism is discussed. The item says police unions hold power and had one Macron official replaced by a stronger law and order one.

The Telegraph, "French police say ‘we are at war with vermin’ as they threaten revolt over rioting."

There is a failure of understanding at play, and 45,000 police have been deployed with thousands arrested and a number of police injured; stones, flames and fireworks vs. teargas being a steady story so far, five straight nights; multiple cities. 

The Telegraph also has published representative English language coverage of ensuing events.