
Monday, July 17, 2023

Ayn Rand. Unsure precisely how web navigation got me to her and her hangs-together-if-you-accept-her-bedrock-axioms/premises which ignore a finite planet, growing population, resource waste, environmental degredation by things she thought great, resource sub-optimal misuse, climate considerations, and the uncertainty of how calamitous climate changes can bite back to industrialization's abuse. Ayn loved fossil fuel use, to her an unquestioned good.

 Ayn interviewed.

Ayn stating her belief set. A convenient refuge for selfish rationalization.

A sidebar YouTube "for you" item, for hounds seeking punishment.

I slogged through the whole super-repetitious Atlas Shrugged. I like Pynchon better, both on a text pound-for-pound or page count basis, and as sophisticated exegesis.

But what this says, you do not have to suffer Atlas Shrugged torture to understand the idealization. It's on YouTube!

A tribute to Ayn Rand entrepreneurship. On YouTube.