
Thursday, February 02, 2023

WTF runs Republicans? They appear set to deny Ilhen Omar a seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and will not call it payback for Dems removing MTG and Gosar when Dems were in the majority. Instead, they say kiss Bibi's ass, Strib reporting: Texas Rep. Michael McCaul, the committee chairman, argued against her inclusion on the committee in a recent closed-door meeting with fellow Republicans. "It's just that her worldview of Israel is so diametrically opposed to the committee's," McCaul said. "I don't mind having differences of opinion, but this goes beyond that." Having her on the committee, he said, "creates dysfunction."

 She does not like apartheid. Oust her? Who are these creeps?

Many dislike apartheid, something South Africa was weened from.  Something built into present Israeli existence, within that nation's laws. Dislike for apartheid is an opinion wholly apart from "antisemitism." 

Hell, the Palestinians ARE Semites. "Semite" is not and never properly has been an exchangeable word for "Jew," among those who properly use words. And "Semite" is certainly not an exchangeable word for Zionist.

Some Jews are Semitic people, others are not. Look up the word, "Semite," or look up "Semitic languages." 

Herzl himself was an Austro-Hungarian Jewish lawyer/writer with Ashkanazi and Sephardic family roots in Serbia; not Semitic - European and not Middle Eastern - but he WAS the King Kong major moving force of Zionism. For taking over land in a Semitic region that was currently being owned primarily by others but with a minority Jewish population, the Zionist urge being based upon pre-diaspora historic occupation, and "promised land" biblical lore. As well as wanting a safe homeland area to immunize Jews from diaspora-related minority-people prejudice and risks.

Give the committee chair from Texas credit for at least speaking correctly by saying, "her worldview of Israel is so diametrically opposed to the committee's." In effect, the man is saying or implying indirectly that the committee majority, its Republicans and others, embrace or accept apartheid, i.e. they see Israeli apartheid as something they embrace either with vigor, or with indifference toward its evil. 

Which view of majority committee policy seems to be true. 

The Texan did not call Omar "antisemitic." She is pro-Palestinian, which is NOT in truth "antisemitic." Language has been corrupted by the invention of that term as a collective umbrella term of disfavor toward those opposed to Jews as people, those opposed to Zionism, Neo-Nazis, those opposed to Israeli warmongering with its neighbors, those opposed to apartheid, those opposed to AIPAC, BSD supporters, Holocaust deniers or anything or anybody else  that too many Jewish people fear or dislike, or hate with a burning passion. 

Israel has problems. If House Foreign Affairs Committee members ignore that fact there will be Hell to pay, ultimately, rather than if they publicly faced truth and tried to alter apartheid in Israel. With our nation allowing more immigration from those of Islamic faith, the numerical Jewish majority ratio will lessen, but there will always be "the Benjamins." Omar spoke truly of AIPAC, and got a load dumped on her for truthfulness. Which is a situation saying something we all should reflect upon.

Also, a parallel military outlook is at play:

Alexander Haig quote: Israel is the largest American aircraft carrier ...

(The Strib link, "Republicans set to oust Rep. Omar from Foreign Affairs panel," is to an AP item Strib carried, and not locally authored. Readers can likely find other carries of the AP story by putting Strib's headline into a browser search.)


Feb 3, 2023 - Now not pending. A done deal. Interesting perspectives - HuffPo, Guardian. Each with a different angle, HuffPo looking at Gosar's record/vote on Omar; Guardian posting honest elevator talk of two Republican House Reps who voted against Omar. Shows you something. 

__________FURTHER UPDATE_________

Concerning Israeli policy as apartheid; and bullshit claims of "antisemitism;" here, here, here and here. Those are merely recent links. The web is full of further evidence. 

Casting hatred at Jewish people, specific individuals or in general, in whole or in part because they are Jews is what "antisemitism" generally is thought to mean. Omar is against apartheid because it is wrongful. When Israelis engage in it against Palestinians she speaks up. There is no wrong to that.

These StandWithUs people discredit themselves, and their stuff weakens true and legit claims of "antisemitism" via throwing the label haphazardly at anything or anybody they don't like. They exemplify what a bullshit use of the term is. 

Anybody taking them seriously should reexamine why.