
Friday, February 03, 2023

Why we are all well overdue for government healthcare - call it "Medicare for All" or otherwise but there is a cause. PIGS! --- SWINE OF THE WORSE KIND.

 Salon. ProPublica. Strib. All carrying the original ProPublica item. A tale of UnitedHealthcare doing what it does best. Fucking a suffering human. 

This is an account of one instance of a Minnesota Corporation with despicable people and practices. A public menace. And they pay their top executives so very much.

People who do such things as the report describes are swine. There is no better word unless "assholes" works better for you.

They can sue me if they think after my reading this report of how they've done business that I have a wrong opinion of them. I'd want a jury trial. I'd want extensive discovery. I'd want a recovery of defense litigation costs. I'd want exemplary damages in the millions.

We are the overall wealthiest nation history has ever known. And we allow such uncivilized practices as the report makes clear. 

Too many politicians are bought. By barbarians with money playing money games, and fucking people, for profit.
