
Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Minnesota Statewide Races. Ellison wins. Blaha, Simon and Walz too. 1,232,837 dumbfucks voted for fascist, racist authoritarianism complete with "800 Sheriffs of Nottingham." How can Minnesota get by with that many idiots?

Racism - simple for simpletons. There to watch until it's taken off YouTube. 

Happily, but not by much, we are better than that.

 This is the MN SoS webpage for statewide election results - 

Jim Schultz is/was/will be a clear and present danger. Yet not for the next four years. May the man go back to hedging funds and being satisfied there for who he is.

And, praise be, we do not risk Matt Birk a heartbeat away.

And Ryan Wilson and the mischief of, "Who is this guy," with the Tommie
Republicans crying over their cohorts' crash and burn. Not by a lot. But by enough.

And the awful Liberty University Schultz campaign manager.  Bless her losing. It could not happen to a more deserving person. Navigator for that campaign. 

The one and only positive thing to say about the pair of them, Schultz and the Liberty U. lady, in that video linked in the opening paragraph the pair was able in the hustings to find a working barber poll, reminiscent of the old days before hair salons, and that poll is quite a notch more reliable than this one.


Angie Craig earned another term. In MN's U.S. House elections the biggest margin of victory was Ilhan Omar's. That says something about the GOP's callous view of the district, vs. the wisdom of the people living in it.  Those House districts, aside from District 2, surely are polarized. One Minnesota is a fact, but factionalism is too.

_______FURTHER UPDATE________

Anoka County Board

Kevin Landry 6,258 33.19%
Matt Look 12,480 66.18%
WRITE-IN 119 0.63%

Residents are divided and polarized. Given that Landry withdrew his candidacy while constrained to have his name remain on the ballot, and a third of the voters went that way. Matt Look posted many election signs around the highways and byways. As usual.

_______FURTHER UPDATE_______

State Senator District 35   
Party Candidate Totals Pct
Jim Abeler 17,300 50.22%
Kari Rehrauer 17,114 49.68%
WRITE-IN 34 0.10%   
State Senator District 36   
Party Candidate Totals Pct
Roger Chamberlain 20,838 47.13%
Heather Gustafson 23,348 52.81%
WRITE-IN 24 0.05%


Abeler squeaked to yet another term. Chamberlain can take his Feed Our Future blame and shame false posturing against the DFL with him, to wherever.  


Zach Stephenson won another term.

___________FURTHER UPDATE__________

Quote for today, given results; MinnPost mid-item:

Schultz said he is even open to wresting power from the progressive Mary Moriarty if she is elected as Hennepin County Attorney and Schultz feels she is not prosecuting cases aggressively enough.

There is absolutely no place for that degree of hubris and disrespect toward the actual rule of law - disrespect for how things are set, by legislation. Wanting to end-run the actuality. 

We dodged one in the AG election. It was even more of a worry than Wardlow's possible win a past election ago. Wardlow was "police endorsed" then also, and ran as a very vocal patriarchal authoritarian against womens' body autonomy, vs. doctor-patient consultation not being an area where politics should be sticking its nose. Nothing too dissimilar between Wardlow and Schultz, aside from litigation experience, Harvard, and Schultz posing as more circumspect on abortion as an issue.

County Attorney    Results By Precinct
Party Candidate Totals Pct
Mary Moriarty 254,418 57.59%
Martha Holton Dimick 184,739 41.82%
WRITE-IN 2,589 0.59%