
Friday, November 11, 2022

KSTP publishes a Jim Schultz concession statement, which is more a hat tip to people behind the campaign, as the Republicans ran it.

 Link: the Schultz statement in relevant part:

Schultz issued a statement Wednesday afternoon regarding the race:

Although the race for Attorney General has not been formally called, the results are now clear, and I plan to call Attorney General Ellison later today to congratulate him on his reelection.

After that campaign the way it was run, Ellison should refuse the call.

Continuing -

I am very proud of the race we ran. We received the highest percentage of the vote for a Republican candidate for constitutional office in nearly 30 years. We received substantially more total votes than any Republican candidate for constitutional office in Minnesota’s history. We carried 76 of Minnesota’s 87 counties. We didn’t quite get there, but we have a lot to be proud of.

Running a racially charged campaign message, start to finish, and proud of it. Ilhen Omar, a non-white Muslim as is Ellison, not in the race but bashing her gratuitously because it got face time on FOX. All that. Sez something. Continuing -

[...] I also want to thank [...]  Corey Miltimore – the architect from the beginning. [...] My campaign manager, Christine Snell, [... then naming a bunch of lesser perps in the scurrilous adventure]  My two campaign chairs, Mike McFadden and Ron Eibensteiner. [...]

Over the last 11 months people have asked me why I stepped in to run in this race. [...] 

The simple answer is that Molly and I felt called to it. We may have had a comfortable life but in this short life we are not called to be comfortable. We are called to sacrifice. And sacrifice from all is what our state and country need right now. We only have on this earth 70 or 80 years, maybe a little more, and in the end, no one cares about your money or your cars or your titles. What matters is what you have done for others.

He built name recognition. Now he can chase a judgeship with a name that's been in the papers, on FOX TV, on the web, and on a statewide ballot. 

"Called" to chase a judgeship? We'll see.

And if really, "Corey Miltimore – the architect from the beginning" divined and wrote the message and kept Schultz on message, he should be flogged. 

The message was misleading and racist and shameful. 

McFadden having a hand in it. McFadden who is pushing "the Page Amendment" which strikes Crabgrass as a thinly disguised Trojan Horse push for vouchers for private schools, sectarian or non-sectarian.

Opinions can differ. Inferences from circumstances are always a guess.