
Friday, November 11, 2022

Following some money. is a site tracking money. Crabgrass reached it when web searching "Corey Miltimore" identified as an insider in the Schultz campaign.

Of interest the site has Miltimore contributing to Schultz this cycle, six grand, and two grand to Pawlenty in his 2018 gov shot; and nothing else.

Here the site shows a few larger Schultz contributions, and expenditures. It includes notice of a seventy grand loan Schultz made to his campaign.

The expenditure side of that last linked item is more interesting. The Schultz campaign was the big money item for Winred Technical Services LLC. At twenty-six grand.

 Arena LLC had four candidats flowing it cash in a five figure amount, Schultz being fourth highest at twenty grand.

 Richter Picture Company got a hundred grand from Jensen's campaign, twenty grand from Schultz.

Onmessage Inc took the most out of Schultz's campaign, four hundred sixty-five grand. Schultz is the only cash cow listed for that operation. Whoever they are. Whatever they funded on behalf of the Schultz campaign. Such as that campaign was. Perhaps they recruited sheriffs; Crabgrass does not know and did not pursue the question.

Red Beacon Strategies LLC took a hundred twenty grand of Schultz campaign money.

Christine Bauman, forty-five grand.

Mitchell Williamson, thirty-three grand. 

No attempt was made to second source any of these numbers. 

What is interesting, Crabgrass has never heard of any of these people or operations yet they boutique-sucked up funds at a good rate. There is money in political consultancy. 

Also interesting, the Schultz campaign was shabby and shameful in how it handled race as a sotto voce issue, and one wonders which of the funded operation was the main brainchild for that sleaze approach. 

It is not earth changing that much money got spent on consultancies. Just very depressing, money in politics, even with losing Republican adventures.

Thankfully, Ellison won. 


FURTHER: Schultz made contacts and bought name recognition. For whatever he makes of it in the near future. The guess here is such stuff has a short half-life. Use it soon, or lose impact. (E.g. - Do you remember names of Michele Bachmann advisors and operatives?)