
Saturday, June 25, 2022

The earlier leaked Roe killer opinion is now out in spiffed-and-final form. There are considerations beyond the most obvious.

The slip opinion of the to-be published opinion, online here.  As turgid as what was leaked.

With surveillance state capabilities at today's levels, never mind tomorrow, read about privacy being a post-opinion consideration; here, here and here.

Perhaps not now, but who knows, there may be developed a way to track wire coat hangers, every one with a serial number, and an RFID.

Sleep well. Eat healthy. And stock up on condoms before they're outlawed.


SANITY AND DECENCY: Strib, here and here.

In November, vote the straight DFL ticket. It is how you protect reproductive decision making freedom. The other side, the dark side, is against you if you want to be free to make your own lifetime and lifestyle decisions.

And public education always stands at risk of voucher mongers.

Vote Dem. It's not always great, Biden is Biden, but if lesser evil is all you've got, use it - or lose it. The coup can be just around the corner. Jan 6 can be akin to a failed beer hall putsch. Trump may be writing a long memoir about his struggle. If so you don't want it to become required reading.