
Saturday, June 25, 2022

Cover the big fat ass. Minimize the risk of a criminal sanction. Deny pardons to perps. Then they have exposure, and can plead the Fifth. [UPDATED]

 The Trump facilitators, the lawyers, John Eastman, Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell, Jenna Ellis and Jeffrey Clark; were they to testify the fat ass could fry. Ditto for staffers. Ditto for Ginny Thomas. Proud Boys. Oath Keepers. Members of Congress who facilitated. 

Not a single pardon. Why?

Well, thrown under the bus, each and every, they can and can be expected to plead the Fifth Amendment, refusing self-incrimination. And that fits Numero Uno.

You can't incriminate Numero Uno, if you decline to say anything.

So, pardon not a one. Hang them out to dry, so that they are not in a position to hang Numero Uno out to dry. Makes sense, if you use people.

And when the Justice Department sees a stonewall, what then. The munchkins get their premises SACKED, and can whine to FOX. Collateral damage, sad. 

Tucker can take umbrage, puff and huff, but Tucker's ratings ploys give cold comfort. Jeffrey Clark, outraged, Murdoch's paper picks up FOX story. 

 Saving a thousand more words -


Remember, the special prosecutor got Nixon on the coverup, i.e., what happened after the break-in crime. Raiding Clark's electronics, phone, laptop, the haul will cover pre-Jan 6 things not deleted (or deleted but forensically recoverable) and what got added from Jan. 6 to the present. If there was communication about, "Jeez, we better all hang together or we'll hang separately, here's what we'll say - and - You, not me, were the one closest to Trump and did such and such, he hatched the idea to promote me to AG, I loved it, but then did not pardon a one of us, etc., and so forth," with replies and further contact that is a step up to admitting an ongoing conspiracy, not separated acts, so stir it all into the pot and serve the soup. 

BOTTOM LINE: If there was coordination after Jan 6, to minimize the story and to coordinate explanations, it will appear to be cover-up land to the prosecutors, and that gets back to Nixon's storybook's plot. 

Also, by not giving pardons so the Fifth would apply, Trump minimized the likely scope of any post-Jan 6 cover-up shenanigans. Just each declining to cooperate, each when pressed either facing contempt or taking the Fifth. Bannon going the contempt route; Eastman and Clark taking the Fifth. 

Will there be an October surprise? We'll have to wait to see. What is likely is the Jan 6 committee having at it in full, now, since after the 2022 midterm elections the Dems may not have a House majority, and the GOP then will get to segue into Hunter's laptop content. Running the country by backroom agreements and stalling tactics, with plenty of theater to distract and divert attention of the masses.

What will remain constant, Garland as AG, an interesting thing after his being denied a Supreme seat by Republicans during Obama's last year. He will have a script from the hearings, and the FBI to get more warrants beyond Clark's electronic array, so there may be two ongoing distracting stories at play. Grand Jury leaks, trials, in parallel to the Hunter laptop show. What a way to govern, this century, when getting better instead of worse or remaining the same is the expectation.