
Sunday, May 08, 2022

What comes next, if vigilance is dropped, GOTV is ignored, and the ascendant side can pick the next battleground, is not a mystery.


The Alito leak gives time for the plan against the assault. May time be used wisely. 

And if the pill is attacked, the decision underlying it was based on a penumbral right to priviacy implicit in the Bill of Rights and Fourteenth Amendment, but not explicit.

Note how Alito amidst 98 pages of crap does emphasize abortion not mentioned in the Constitution. 

Prepare. It will be won among the voters by whoever has the best battle plan. With Joe Biden, it will not be a contest of personality nor effectiveness. Nor charming demeanor nor mellifluous prose delivery. But, Biden was installed, and those who warned, then went lesser evil, will have to hope the batch who shoveled Joe may be up to defending contraception.

UPDATE: As a leading case Griswold is olnline at many sites. Crabgrass gives this Google Scholar link:

Griswold v. Connecticut

381 US 479, 85 S. Ct. 1678, 14 L. Ed. 2d 510 (1965 )
Dylan wrote, "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."
Vote Biden, 2024. Vote straight Dem ticket, 2022. Or face the onslaught. Remember the Gipper?
"You ain't seen nothing yet." Well, by now, you have. If awake, able to fog a mirror.