
Saturday, May 07, 2022

A song which comes to mind when thinking of Samuel Alito and confederates, pontificating. An attitude thing as a response.

YouTube. But the doctor and the clinic are who the meanness targets. Yet the pregnant victims of the Alito mischief need attitude. The victims have their rights, the doctors too. Physician-patient matters are private, not something intermeddlers should control. Intermeddlers should have no say. 


HuffPo reporting on a Clarence Thomas speech:

Declining respect for the law and institutions “bodes ill for a free society,” Thomas warned, according to the Post.

Thomas also said he worries about a “different attitude of the young” that might not show the same respect for the law as past generations did.

The draft decision that would overturn a half-century of reproductive freedoms was not just a surprise, but a radical departure from precedent.

The opinion, written by Justice Samuel Alito, indicated there was no protection for abortion rights in the Constitution in part because the word “abortion” does not appear in the document. The right to abortion was based on a right to privacy, which also does not appear in the Constitution. Alito’s opinion could upend numerous other rights Americans have come to depend on.

This is from the one who will not recuse himself, no matter how crazy and biased his wife rattles on, because he has the power to refuse to recuse. Great guy. Wants you to respect "the institution." "The law." He must expect a penumbral respect from that to rub off on himself and Alito. By necessary implication, while not express?

We are in for some sad, crappy days.