
Thursday, November 11, 2021

Two AP items Strib carried about the bill the House passed with six Democrats voting no. Each item worth reading.

Here (Automobile related). Here.

What next? Who does what?


Guardian, here. With the man's ending of his last sentence, I hesitate to get drawn into commenting about his primary postulate, beyond pointing out the defining, deafening silence from organized labor when early in Biden "honeymoon" days the fifteen buck minimum wage got scuttled. Progressives did speak up. Without labor solidarity toward the nation's most exploited workers, the answer of atta-boying union membership seems weak. With UAW got-ours special goodies in the bill that got passed while the bill for the rest of us got bullshitted, the man might be said to see the problem in much of its aspects, but to be looking with blinders on past how Reagan was endorsed and voted in by air traffic controllers, as to likelihoods, in suggesting his view of there being a simple, clear solution, his way. 

Is there a reliable statistic in the public domain of the level of MEGA hat wearing among rank and file building trades union workers? Before and then after the 2016 election, i.e., was there much of a learning curve? Among rank-and-file? There was none about Reagan. If the unions did notice and comment when appropriate about Trump usage of union vs non-union labor in his building empire, I missed it. It seems no one was asking that question, according to mainstream reporting. Apart from the communications workers and nurses, it seems union money backed Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020, neither time backing Bernie, who clearly cared about the most exploited workers and sought their fiscal betterment.

Open Secrets, here and here. And for the 2018 mid-terms. Not really moving the needle off same old, same old. At least Joe Manchin never made the top twenty in those years. Sinema did.