
Friday, November 12, 2021

Strib, locally authored content - buried in the tail part of the item,"Republican Rep. Tom Emmer said in a statement that 'the House voted on a bill that directs only a fraction of its overall spending towards improving roads and bridges, and lays the groundwork for passage of President Biden's multi-trillion dollar socialist wish list.'" What? Not Biden's, Nancy Pelosi's and Steny Hoyer's ultra-socialist agenda? If you want to say something ignorant, why not make it really ignorant?

With Emmer's analytical statement buried, Strib headlines - 

Rep. Ilhan Omar only House member in Minnesota delegation to break party ranks on bipartisan infrastructure bill

The House voted Friday to pass a roughly $1 trillion infrastructure package. 


Deep. But not so deep that you need hip-waders. 

Just a point: "[...] to break party ranks on bipartisan infrastructure bill [...]"

Party ranks? "Bipartisan bill?" - What am I not getting?

How exactly do you have "party ranks" on any real, actual, non-phony "bipartisan" measure? Ah, it's the "bipartisan" misnomer that confuses. Yet, strangely, all of mainstream media use the misnomer. Repeatedly. That's called "journalism." Another misnomer, for what actually gets posted. 

The real term for MSM content, begins with a "Prop" and ends with a "ganda."