
Saturday, November 27, 2021

So what? Pass the bill people want, or stay in DC working on it, Joe.

Strib locally written item blaring in its headline,

Biden will visit Minnesota to tout new infrastructure law

State will receive billions for roads, transportation, airports, high-speed internet and other projects.
Really? Big deal. It would make very, very many happy if the man stayed in DC to push the other bill, the one that the people want. Even the watered-down tepid thing BIDEN, via surrogates Manchin and Sinema gutted out of the original effort made by progressives to deliver for the population of the nation.

We are supposed to take this visit stunt seriously? Why in the world would we do that? Only inner party Dem self-deluded souls would think this helps their 2022 election chances. It does not. Passing the REAL bill might do it, but has Joe Biden shown any real will that way? In the Strib item:

The White House announced Friday that Biden will make a trip to Rosemount. Biden has already visited other parts of the United States to tout the infrastructure law as Democrats try to maintaintheir control of Congress in next year's midterm elections.

[...] Biden won Minnesota by about 7 percentage points in the 2020 election. But a September poll sponsored by the Star Tribune, MPR News, KARE 11 and Frontline found voters in the state were divided on Biden's job performance. The margin of sampling error for the poll was plus or minus 3.5 percentage points. The results showed that 51% disapproved of Biden's work as president, while 47% approved and2% were not sure.

This gimmick is not any reflection of decent job performance. It is the opposite. The job is in DC, Christsakes, not the  hustings. The man has hidden from the job and let his surrogate bill-killers do his dirty work on the REAL bill, and now brings the phony smile into the midwest. I am so impressed! (My feelings having already shown how impressed I am, with the man's inadequate performance, so far, with little hope he changes into something with a spine and a will to help people via a viable second bill. Joe, stay in DC and do your job.)

The people don't want bullshit, they want action. They've had bullshit enough for decades, from Trump, and that is the only sole reason your sorry record reached the White House. It was never about you Joe, it was always about him. You are doing exactly what those grudgingly voting for you expected. Serving money, not serving the people. Stay in DC and try the latter for a change.