
Friday, November 26, 2021

An obit worthy of reader consideration. A former military officer.

 Links only. No excerpting. NYTimes, here.and here. AP reporting carried by SeattleTimes. NYT from 2005.  The man's PhD dissertation, "Method and the Morality of War." which was, "dedicated to the innocent victims of the Central Intelligence Agency."

Anybody subjected to enough effort and torment can become bedeviled, dispirited and broken. So, where is morality in war? Where is the accountability among government spook operatives? Among our world's Kissingers? What are fit and unfit priorities in military intervention in foreign nations?

Dark times threaten. Time to reread a book? One of those high school classics we all read, back then.

Hat tip to Christy for bringing the obit and story to my attention.