
Saturday, July 24, 2021

Delta variant. Unvaccinated folks are populating hospital ICUs and respirators. Vaccinated incidences of Covid infection after full protocol have been happening, infrequently, and with less severe symptoms. The evidence is clear.

 The CDC on "breakthrough" cases.

Delta variant prevalence.

Websearch = breakthrough cases covid-19.

Guardian report, "It’s too late’: US doctor says dying patients begging for Covid vaccine -- At least 99% of those in US who died of Covid in the last six months had not been vaccinated, says CDC director Dr Rochelle Walensky "

Guardian, "Fox News backs Covid vaccination – a pity no one told Tucker Carlson."

Guardian, " ‘Heart-wrenching’: inside a hospital grappling with Delta and vaccine hesitancy"

Doth protest too much? Or facts being as facts are? Maskless unvaxxed gambling, is it better than losing some money at the casino? Is it a bigger thrill?

DWT - mention of a political angle

David Frum ended his Atlantic column, Vaccinated America Has Had Enough, this morning with a question: "Will Blue America ever decide it’s had enough of being put medically at risk by people and places whose bills it pays? Check yourself: Have you?" I have-- and long ago. That's why I cheer whenever any of them threaten secession. How much better off would the United States be without them! Build that wall!

Frum: "In the United States, this pandemic could’ve been over by now, and certainly would’ve been by Labor Day. If the pace of vaccination through the summer had been anything like the pace in April and May, the country would be nearing herd immunity. With most adults immunized, new and more infectious coronavirus variants would have nowhere to spread. Life could return nearly to normal. Experts list many reasons for the vaccine slump, but one big reason stands out: vaccine resistance among conservative, evangelical, and rural Americans. Pro-Trump America has decided that vaccine refusal is a statement of identity and a test of loyalty. In April, people in counties that Joe Biden won in 2020 were two points more likely to be fully vaccinated than people in counties that Donald Trump won: 22.8 percent were fully vaccinated in Biden counties; 20.6 percent were fully vaccinated in Trump counties. By early July, the vaccination gap had widened to almost 12 points: 46.7 percent were fully vaccinated in Biden counties, 35 percent in Trump counties. When pollsters ask about vaccine intentions, they record a 30-point gap: 88 percent of Democrats, but only 54 percent of Republicans, want to be vaccinated as soon as possible. All told, Trump support predicts a state’s vaccine refusal better than average income or education level.

Is it Schadenfreude from DWT's Howie Klein, with his post titled, "The Patheticness Of The GOP Is Almost The Only Thing Democrats Have Going For Them?" 

Seemingly casting scorn all around. 

Politically. But at DWT, also, geographically as well as politically - 

Tonight's meme shows a very fitting form that statues for COVID could take but I have an additional idea: How about a statue of an awkward leaning 370 lb. orange freak with a basket full of virus spores in one tiny hand while the other tiny hand is depicted casting the virus spores into the air! There could be a nice plaque commemorating the hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths caused by the Orange Menace To Society, his administration, his party and his supporters in the media. The irony of how Trump will end up having more deaths on his hands than Sherman and Grant will be surely missed by all.

Overlapping Venn Diagrams. Said in a more embellished manner.


That is not all DWT has to say about their perceived overlapping of Venn Diagrams - something said with perhaps a bit of venom in mind while hitting the post's typing keys -   

Herd Immunity-- A Beautiful Thing

Poster by Chip Proser

There were 10 states where Trump got over 2 million votes in the 2020 election, only 4 of which he won. This isn't about percentages; this is about raw numbers of Trump voters. And if Generalisimo COVID was looking for strategic places to easily infect, he might look for concentrations of Trump voters, the least likely demographic to be vaccinated. These are the states where the most people voted for Trump, along with the 14 day change in the number of new cases and hospitalizations:

  • California: 6,006,429 (up 213% and 58%)

  • Texas: 5,890,347 (up 162% and 57%)

  • Florida: 5,668,731 (up 227% and 95%)

  • Pennsylvania: 3,377,674 (up 158% and down 4%)

  • New York: 3,244,798 (up 192% and 9%)

  • Ohio: 3,154,834 (up 141% and 17%)

  • North Carolina- 2,758,775 (up 180% and 30%)

  • Michigan- 2,649,852 (up 136% and 3%)

  • Georgia: 2,461,854 (up 220% and 64%)

  • Illinois: 2,446,891 (up 143% and 26%)

How do we know these are Trumpists getting sick? We don't know for sure but when we look at the correlation between the counties with the most Trumpists and the case loads, it becomes impossible to deny. These are the worst-hit counties per capita in each of these states-- along with the percentage of voters who were stupid enough to try to reelect Trump in 2020:

  • Lassen County, CA- 1 in 5 people infected (74.5% Trump)

  • Childress County, TX- 1 in 5 people infected (85.3% Trump)

  • Lafayette County, FL- 1 in 5 people infected (85.5% Trump)

  • Forest County, PA- 1 in 5 people infected (71.1% Trump)

  • Suffolk County, NY- 1 in 7 people infected (49.4% Trump)

  • Pickaway County, OH- 1 in 7 people infected (72.7% Trump)

  • Hyde County, NC- 1 in 7 people infected (56.9% Trump)

  • Luce County, MI- 1 in 5 people infected (70.1% Trump)

  • Bacon County, GA- 1 in 7 people infected (86.1% Trump)

  • Cass County, IL- 1 in 6 people infected (68.2% Trump)

No one in the media wants to point out that it's the moron Trumpists who are bringing the pandemic back to America. If they don't have the brains to protect themselves, their families and their communities from a virus, how can anyone actually believe they have the brains to vote? The Associated Press reported on how horrible things are getting without once pointing out the correlation between Trump voters and COVID cases, which have tripled nationally in the last two weeks "amid an onslaught of vaccine misinformation that is straining hospitals, exhausting doctors and pushing clergy into the fray."

Arguably, a bit of Schadenfreude went into that op-ed/report.