
Sunday, July 25, 2021

$250 million bail must be a record. After an earlier Crabgrass post, this additional note was beyond an UPDATE. It is news when bail is set in the stratosphere.

 While unlikely to dance away from the ton of money to become the next John McAfee now that McAfee's passed, the alleged perp must have set some form of bail record. The AP feed link is here.

Of interest to linguistic purists, this mid-item single sentence paragraph - 

Prosecutors said Barrack used his long personal friendship with Trump to benefit the UAE without disclosing his ties to the U.S. government.

What? He didn't disclose to the Emirates his ties to the U.S. government?

Somehow in context something else likely was intended, yet why not write an unambiguous sentence? One could guess Barrack failed to disclose ties to governmen, to Trump. Getting three possible meanings into one sentence likely was a difficult exercise. 

Worth the effort?

NOTE: The earlier Crabgrass post is here. How much bail would Bezos have to post, percentage-wise, to equal this situation? As much or more than his trip through the stratosphere cost Blue Origin? Stratospheric contemplation, indeed.

FURTHER thought. Given the endings of McAfee and Epstein - the bail arguably was worth it. And is only forfeited if conditions of release are violated. House arrest with an ankle bracelet is not like sitting in some dank cell waiting for a strangulation.