
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Mid-pandemic Zoom tips might be aged, but this quote rings my bell enough to post.

 Link. Key paragraph in context.

The default Zoom settings are similar to speed dating. You’re sitting across the table from someone who’s analyzing everything they can about you in a limited time. Except with Zoom it’s you vs a dozen people at the same time in hour-long segments.

Here’s what I’ve found works best.

But, before getting to this list, here’s the most important Zoom tip I’ve seen: If the same information can be communicated in an email, do that instead. Email isn’t perfect for every type of communication but it works great for things that can be summarized, put into lists, or need to be retrieved later.

With vaccinations on the upswing Zoom may recede or, at very best, perish.

If it is worth communicating, use email. There is a tangible record. There is thought into what is communicated. Not so with some (most?) Zoom horseshit better avoided. 

Opinions can differ.