
Saturday, June 26, 2021

Elizabeth Warren wants Biden to get off the dime and do something about student debt burden and Angst.


Start HERE, and that item contains links of related interest.


Warren wants Biden to do something he should have done already, since he won the Presidency with young voters being a bloc that "got out" and voted. He owes. 

Failing on that, for whatever cause, and being tone deaf and unhelpful will threaten his party's midterm elections position in both Houses of Congress. (Already, Schumer's picking losers - and/or Biden having no 2020 coat tails - has put the Senate on the razor's edge. Bless Manchin, who could switch parties any time now. And then there is Senator Sinema being her own ego-centric person doing her own thing. With friends like those two Biden does not need enemies.)

But Biden has to get off the dime, and years ago he was a force on legislation screwing students out of bankruptcy access for school loans, damage done, where he has to reverse that stance into something less bloodthirsty and more civilized. Something showing he recognizes smart educated people are a national asset, a treasure needing attention and nurture. They are essential to counter zombie-Trumpsters, of which the nation has many. If the young stay home during the mid-terms, Biden will have his day of reckoning; which will not help anyone.

Warren is fighting the good fight, for the good cause, and Biden's intransigence in ignoring the issue will be great error unless he learns and moves.

Fat chance? It has to get better, else it gets worse. Per the midterm elections.

Biden seems to not care. Hunter is doing okay, but there's more to the nation's situation needing attention and rectification. Joe giving Hunter a good kick in the ass and saying the "art" grift does nobody any good would be positive "executive action." Unlikely as that is. But that is one mere detail in the big picture.