
Thursday, May 06, 2021

Retiree hobby news - Besides golf, last president before current one starts blogging. Page capture images tell a story.

 Yes, the Trumpster. Blogging. A screen capture, today's top-of-the-blog-tweet from the Twitter banned miscreant (absolute key features highlighted via added arrows):

Yes, you got that. Not willing to STFU over having been voted into retirement. Rendered a has-been, by a nationwide electorate. A majority not wanting four more years of what they'd endured for four.

And Don J. authors a blog which you know is TRUMP, for sure, through and through; i.e., with CONTRIBUTE being his major message, twice on the page top, (highlighted via arrows in the screen capture). 

He wants dim-witted deplorable rubes to give him money. 

You can, if you'd like to. It, chasing bucks, is baked into his genes. From dad Fred, indelibly imprinted into his Gestalt. Ringing his bell. 

Now, compare and contrast, two additional screen captures from - who else - Breitbart. That end of the spectrum.

Francis holds the office. Francis is the story. Ratzinger does no sore-loser blogging.

Biden holds the office. Biden is the story. Trump does sore-loser blogging.

That's right. Ratzinger is a cut above Trump, in terms of character and class.

Beyond that, Biden did the right thing. Let them stew over it later, in Sturgis.

We need less of that phony distracting "Patriot Rider" BS, and more plain decency toward one another, including oligarchs showing decency toward US. White people being decent toward non-whites. Cops being decent with protesters. Wealth shared. Decency shared. Those motorcycle guys are no Utopia except perhaps to themselves and one another.