
Thursday, May 06, 2021

Galling to see somebody lacking honest self awareness, and flouting it as a badge.

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This from the person who venomously blamed James Comey for her and Podesta's big-time blowing of a slam-dunk election. If you ostensibly oppose "disinformation" then perhaps stop propagating it.

What part of that do you feel she's hiding from? Why not STFU, unless/until doing a little self-examination? Honest excuse-free self-examination?

Then apologize publicly, openly, and clearly for fobbing her own ineffectivness onto Comey's shoulders. 

Then and only then speak out about disinformation from others. Clean your own act up first, or just STFU, which actually is not that bad an option to show the world.

She also blamed Bernie, who had every right to run, while forced to campaign uphill against the Clinton machine, including Debbie Wasserman Schultz cheating at DNC, and WOULD HAVE WON.

That's right. Bernie would have won. She finagled, denied it, and horsed things up royally. And she dislikes disinformation

Tell that story to Goldman Sachs, lady. Or blame Madeline Albright for saying something very stupid, which Hillary applauded while standing next to Mad. A., same podium, smiling as the disaster unfolded.

BOTTOM LINE: She gave the most dishonest packet of falsehoods about why she lost. Put simply, post election, we all got disinformed. By her. Ego trumping truth.