
Sunday, May 23, 2021

New top sidebar image. Presenting it's link, with commentary.

 The DownWithTyranny image is atop this DWT item. It presents a statement which reads, in part:

On January 6th, some Republican Members of Congress and the former President incited an insurrection that they refuse to accept responsibility for and continue to deny to this day. A bill that pours $1.9 billion into increased police surveillance and force without addressing the underlying threats of organized and violent white supremacy, radicalization, and disinformation that led to this attack will not prevent it from happening again. Increasing law enforcement funds does not inherently protect or safeguard the Capitol Hill or surrounding D.C. community. In fact, this bill is being passed before we have any real investigation into the events of January 6th and the failures involved because Republicans have steadfastly obstructed the creation of a January 6th commission.

Partisanship aside: The people pictured are in part correct, but even they gloss over a truth. That truth is that making the defective Congressional machine more secure sidesteps the problem that the "insurrectionists" should have marched for - getting the money and corruption out of government and keeping it out so that government purportedly "of and by the people" is no longer the sick joke it is under our two-party elites exercising a stranglehold on government on behalf of money which gives "legal" bribes a/k/a campaign contributions and "uncoordinated" PAC advertisements where campaign and PAC messaging differs little to none at all; where both houses of Congress are bought and have been over my lifetime, with, always a few - a handful - of decent people mixed in among the dreck. 

That is what should have been the basis of protest; not a fat idiot claiming he won an election where too many others immediately throw doubt uniformly upon such a notion. Who really knows whether the election was "stolen" or legit? And all the mainstream media with their universal "trust me" disavowal of the Trump-Won theory only serve to make doubt stronger. The truth is whether it is Trump for four more or Biden for his four, we, the people, are passed over with the government in thrall to Mamon. 

The insurrectionists should have been anti-Mamon and not pro-Trump, to have been an all too legitimate voice of scorn and protest. And it is an anti-Mamon protest, next time, which Pelosi et al. fear and wish to suppress. The yahoo Trumpists have shown how severe protest can be possible, and the vote was to make things less responsive to popular feeling rather than more of being a service to the people than a burden - to batten down the hatches against another popular demonstration of dissatisfaction with government as it is being practiced. 

Yes, the DWT protest message against white-supremacist dogma and emotions must be given perpetual sunlight because it is wrong; but the greater wrong is a two-party government fully captive to Mamon with each party so captivated - which is what we got - and where denial over that is counterproductive. 

That said, the folks in the new top sidebar picture really, each of them and collectively, stand in contrast to Pence, Gaetz, Pelosi, McCarthy, Schumer and McConnell and other tools of irresponsible self-centered money and never-sufficiently-satisfied power trip greed.

Yes, Paul Ryan is gone. But his spirit and Gestalt continue; only the faces differ.


Seattle Times editorial board has an opinion where others' differ; SeaTimes saying, we are correct and Republican Jan 6 apologists are in error. They minimize the horror - THE HORROR! A Heart of Darkness moment in recent national history, or an event that time will fuzz into obscurity despite major present bleating to the contrary?

Some clutch their pearls, others clutch their Trump. Each has a badge, neither being confused for the other. Some are in a position to prosecute, others to then be pushed to defend. The QAnon Shaman? Bad Moon on the Rise, may have a day in court. Bigger crimes than a touch of anarchy have been perpetrated in the halls of Congress - dollar amounts larger in bigness - winners and payers. Yellow cake lies told to eager war-wanting ears. Much bigger, costlier crime, in our past and bet on it for the future. "Remember the Maine," in case you've forgotten. Tonken Bay. Tax "reform." Abdication of the power to go to war. Robbing Peter to pay Paul. You name it. Expensive suits, not hoodies and helmets, but crime is crime.

(. . . and it is Tonkin Bay, in case you did not catch the vowel mixup. Also, Gulf of Tonkin, not "Bay." Oliver North, Marine uniform worn long after out of service; testifying about not negotiating with terrorists, or some such falsehood.)