
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Fairness to Biden, but surely not praise.

 Two DWT essays, here and here.

People remembering how bad Trump was need to look back further to how devestating the two Bush II terms were - Iraq and the subprime crash, after which Obama/Biden bailed out Wall Street and let foreclosure suffering go unaltered.

In that broad a look-back, never mind Gipper mischief, Biden looks better than much of Obama policy despite CHANGE and HOPE sloganeering - some of the best propaganda big lies we've had in recent decades - yet there is the nagging thought he is cynically using Joe Manchin as a limitation scarecrow - bogyman. "If not for that other Joe . . ." will ring insincere if used too much by President about a Senator.

But I digress. Have a look at the two DWT links.