
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

This is all the little guy has to say? No big announcement, none, zippo. Same old shit shoveling Doug; so where's the BIG announcement?

 Link. Five minutes of tacky pretentious homemade video, and not one image of Bob Kroll. What is Wardlow up to now? Abandoning his biggest booster? Or is it a possible case - wait, there is more? More than amateur hour video? Show it then.

Yes, the pillow guy is not the most secure paycheck, but to get the AG check you have to earn it. Wardlow is not up to that requirement.

So no big announcement. Just drivel. That video link? Embedded by Alpha News.

Same old, same old, same old. Alpha News. Wardlow. Pillow Man. Kroll surprisingly absent - so far.

CFB shows living in Prior Lake, with two Eagan men as campaign chair and treasurer.

UPDATE: Still using that same trinity - Catch the Fire - code button as Ted Cruz uses, and no surprise, he has already an online campaign give-me-money page.

His slow walking in winter video thing interestingly contrasts with his campaign bucks page from short sleeve warmth, summertime, some time, probably a left over photo from during Wardlow's last failed attempt at the AG paycheck. 

And - a never abandoned online fact page about who this candidate is:

FURTHER: Purged his video playlist. Has yet to purge all his Kroll stuff, this still online - so gotta scrub, scrub, scrub. (There had been a Wardlow-posted video on the police endorsed bit, where a great screenshot image was captured, Wardlow and Kroll walking past camera. Alpha male, beta male. At some point it can be moved higher on the sidebar.)